The last weekend of september if I can say it is september, the weather has been unbelievably gorgeous. On the one hand I love it has it means I can still wear summer clothes (skirts, shorts and tank tops, etc.) but on the other hand this scares me a little, the global warming effect I mean.
I spent saturday with Shawn, my boyfriend, enjoying the scenary of Hogs Back park and Mooney's Bay area. I still can't believe he has been living here longer than I have and just now has discovered the beauty of the area. But it can be understandable in a way, sometimes we always want to look onn the other side of the fence, the grass seems greener and forget to enjoy what we already have. I am the same way, grew up around trois-rivieres but I am sure there are lots of places that I have never seen and if someone took me there I'd say: "WOW! I didn't know that was here all along!"
The day started to be a bit on the cloudy side but mysteriously the clouds all went away to leave nothing but blue sky. Something we always started to do whenever we get together and want to enjoy a day outside is make "OUR" usual wish for a beautiful sunny day and quite magically the clouds always disappear and we have both noticed the sun tends to shine brighter whenever we get closer.
Now I have always been a firm believer that there is more to life than we really see and that there is magick all around us as we always tended to believ when we were kids and lost that as grown up and dismissed it to childish behaviour and with the latest events I must say it reinforced my beliefs in magick being all around us.Perhaps it is love or the power of two hearts coming together that can make things happen and somewhat control things we always thought we could not control, perhaps it is the stronger belief we both have that makes things happen or we each have that special power and when we combine it it becomes strong enough to make these things happen... it is a bit freaky but at the same time exciting. This tells me we were meant to meet at this time in our lives and experience something like this.
Anyways, the day was amazing... nice long walk at hogs back park, a picnic on the rocks of hogs back falls, taking lots of pictures, feeding ducks and geese and me doing my part for the environment and being my treehugger self, picking up after some people who proudly litter... I know lots of people would say what is the point in me picking up the garbage and putting it in the trash when no one else does it, but I do believe that the small actions one person does do make a difference even if it seems pointless at times, and just think if everyone picked up on thing and put it in the garbage can, the planet would be able to breathe better and would thank us for it.
Ok perhaps I am an idealist. But I do believe it.What I love most about the day and about Shawn is that for the first time in a very long time, I feel I can truly be allowed to be myself and act as a kidif I want to and have fun rather than always have to worry that I may be embarrassing someone if I act like true self as it was the case with kary... if I look back I believe I always was afraid to be myself and never really had that much fun, always worried if I say this or do this I will embarrass him and I now realize, thanks to Shawn that this isn't how it is supposed to be, doesn't help one grow at all on the contrary it stops one from growing and enjoying oneself.
ok well that is about it for now, until later you can check the rest of the pictures from Hogs Back park HERE.
Beautiful Sunny Fall Day in Great Company
0Photo Contest - Rate my Photo
contest, ducks, nature, Photography, plants 0I found this site to upload photos, there is a chance to win $10 000... who knows.
Just uploaded a photo for the contest, check it out! And vote for my photo.
And the Winner is...
I also found out I had posted a photo way back and if I remember correctly I received a letter telling me they really loved the photo, but thought it was a bit of a scam because they ended up sending me stuff to buy the book that supposedly my photo was on... I don't know if they still put my photo in the book. It didn't win money but being featured in their book was a consolation prize I suppose, I remember thinking yeah right, bet you there was no winning money, they just wanted to get people to send money, perhaps not. But my photo is still on the site. WOW! A photo I took, and I am not a professional photographer but love photography a lot. Check it out!
Here is the site to submit your photos: Photo Contest
Friday: Dinner at Shawn's and Movie,. Saturday: Hanging Out with Anna and Nick. Sunday: who knows...
0on friday I was invited to dinner at Shawn's, his mom made dinner and I was really good, she really went all out. I especially loved the potatoes, spicier than she planned but still great. We went to see Mr. Bean's holiday in theatre as we planned, well technically we planned it the weekend before but we missed it so we decided to go on friday.
There wasn't a lot of people in the theatre, perhaps because the movie was at 9pm everyone might have gone earlier or maybe it had been in theatre for a while already, everyone had seen it.
Despite some of the people in the row behind us who said "finally it is over" when the movie ended, I really liked the movie. I guess you have to understand and like british humour. I especially loved the ending, everyone coming together... and the message of no matter who you are, what nationality you are or which language you speak, it doesn't matter people can understand each other and actually find affinity. Who says we all need to be one way or speak one language or look a certain way to be accepted and liked?
The world is made of a lot of different people and we should all embrace our differences and want to give everyone a chance to get to know them rather than push some aside just because they don't look a certain way or speak the same language oract weird or funny according to our close-minded personalities sometimes, otherwise we might be missing out on a lot of friendships and good times.
We went back to his place and we watched yet another movie... Saw II. Think I dosed off a little though... oops. But I really loved the movie and no shawn not only because donnie wahlberg was in it, though it was a a good thing. hehe My love for new kids on the block comes back. I was quite happy to see he actually got a better role this time, one that doesn't end up make him die so early in the film, he actually survives. Guess he finally made it in his movie career and a great film too.
I love the message of the movie as well.. normally I wouldn't like all scary movies just violence for violence sake or blood and gore... but this one has a very good message. The importance to appreciate your life and what you have because you don't know what will happen the next day, could be taken away like that.
That is what jigsaw's game is about, the people playing his game who appreciate their life survive the game the others ones do not.
The lesson for all in this is learn to appreciate what you have every day, and appreciate what you have because it could be taken away just like that, you can never tell what the future has in store.
we fell asleep next to each other and in the morning, his mom and sister made breakfast, was really good. His family is really nice, I especially like his dad because he agrees with me that peanut butter is great, and peanut butter and jelly, and peanut butter and banana are great too... hehehe
They all are really nice.
we went to walk and play fetch with missy before heading to my place, well technically to blockbuster to meet anna and nick and pick some movies for us to watch.
We came back and made two pizzas: onion olive pizza and bbq pizza, it was yummy and even better because we all actually made it together rather than store bought.
We watched pan's labyrinthe, shawn and I's pick, even though we both had seen it before, we wanted to watch it again. I must say this movie is amazing, I must buy this one and keep it in my collection for sure, a fairy tale for grown ups, I love the message and the faun was beautifully done.
The movie anna and nick picked was good, judging from the cover it looked really good, except as we watched in the fight scenes you could actually tell they were hooked with cables, you could actually almost see the wires holding them wheenevr they made the moves. The story was good but wow they could have done better in the other area.
But all in all if was a good time with shawn and friends. It feels amazing to be able to call him my boyfriend, although still feels odd because I never have had the opportunity to call anyone a boyfriend, not used to it. Yet it feels amazing and especially to know that if I invite him, he actually wants to spend time with me but also with my friends and not just hide me at my place like KM did.
We also spent sunday together, we fell asleep after I dropped off my friends at their place, listened to the rent cds and other cds shawn made for me which I love more than anything. We went for a walk in the afternoon, grabbed some quiznos subs and ate them under a tree next to the canal. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
We came back to my place and watched Annie and then had to say goodbye as he needed to get back home for dinner with his family.
That part is the hardest. :( I love you shawn.
Well that is about it, if I think of something I missed I will edit later.
National Art Gallery Date with Shawn
Last Saturday I went to the national art gallery with Shawn, what we originally planned the previous time, but that and tplaying with Missy, and more was a bit too much and we didn't have time to go to the national art gallery so we decided to go last weekend even though my parents were here helping me paint my apartment walls, well technically they painted, *shame shame*. Couldn't have helped that much as sometimes too many people can get too crowded.
Plus my parents said it was ok to go spend some time with Shawn, awwwwwwwwwwwwww. They must know I am a lot happier now thanks to him after what Kary did put me through, well I guess partly put myself through as I could have woken up and stopped wanting to spend time with him sadly I did not, kept thinking perhaps he isn't that mean or not the type to use people... love is blind as they say.
Shawn finally came over and "met the parent" I could tell he was a bit nervous but I believe now he knows he had no reasons to be nervous. We went for dinner at swiss chalet... Mmmmmmm swiss chalet, I think I like it better a bit than st-hubert though st-hubert has some things I really love like the bread and the coleslaw, the chicken isn't bad either.
In the evening we headed out to see Mr. Bean at the theater, stopped at Shawn's so he could change, can't believe he wore summer clothes and it was so cold, kept worrying he would freeze. But it ended up being too late and missed the movie so we watched the first Mr bean at his place instead. Yay!
The amazing thing that always happens when we are together happened again... kind of freaky. We always make this wish that the sun comes out when we see it might rain and so far our wishing together has worked everytime and at the museum everytime we got close the sun shone brighter.
I am telling you there is some kind of stronger power that I can't quite put my finger on.
And again he came over sunday to say goodbye to poutchie and we watched a movie at my place this time. Watch Saw, horror movie, normally I get scared and don't like violent movies but this one has a clear message in it... I love those types, though still cover my eyes when I see something spooky. lol
I am whimp I know.
Ottawa Museum of Nature Date with Shawn
I can't believe I have been in Ottawa for 4 years, close to 5 and had never seen the museum of nature. I suppose it took meeting Shawn to actually get myself to go see that museum. I love it. I especially like the architechture of the building, castle-type building, and you all know how much I love castles or anything that has reminds me of Harry Potter movies. haha
And we posed with the Dinosaurs statues in front of the museum.
We also stopped by at my favourite candy store, sugar mountain, I know I know I am such a kid... especially when I get into that candy store. Got soem sugar mountain candy, one of us more than the other, you know who you are.
Went for a long walk along the canal on a beautiful summer-like day in septembre... can't believe the mid-july summer weather we are having, well actually I can, it is due to global warming, it is nice in a way but scary in another.
Went back and watched soem movies and played with his very cute dog Missy. Awwww Missy I miss you lots.
That is about enough for now, need to get to work.