Hi people
So I decided to treat myself today and finally get the first book of a series that everyone seems to be raving about.
Twilight by Steven Meyer
I decided to post updates, every day (tentatively), on where I am in the book,
So first update:
September 16: Bought the book, Read the first four chapters. Starting slow, Introducing the characters and a little mystery. Love it so far.
Anyways, off to bed for now.
September 17: Ready the fifth chapter on the bus this morning.
New Book: Twilight
Books, bookworm, meyer, reading, steven, twilight 0Apartment possibly haunted. Yikes!
bizarre, creepy, ghost, Haunted, odd, Ottawa, spirits 0
Photo taken by shawn mcelroy - Sunday, Septembre 7, 2008 (morning around 11ish)
The picture you are looking at is why I think that perhaps my apartment is haunted.
It was taken this morning (sunday, septembre 7, 2008) while chatting on msn with my boyfriend. As I stepped away from the computer briefly, he noticed a smoke-type shape in my room, for about 5 seconds, and took a snapshot of it.
He also said that the shape actually seemed to rise from the ground, it wasn't stationary like that from the start. Making the ghost theory a little more probable perhaps.
He did not manipulate the photo in any way, just took the snapshot and sent it to me.
You can clearly see a smoke-type shape in the form of a body and if you look closely you can see eyes and a mouth. Can you? Or is it just me?
I do not know if this really could be a ghost (spirit) perhaps just a camera malfunction but my question is: would a camera malfunction look so much like the shape of a person?
It gave me chills after I saw this picture and still does as I am typing this. If my apartment really is haunted, it is kind of creepy and exciting at the same time to think: "hmmm, my building is special. ;) " and perhaps could be part of the sites to visit during the haunted walk of Ottawa.
But if it really is a ghost or spirit, all I hope is that it is a friendly one.
When I think about it, it could be possible after all. The building is really old... 1800s or something like that.
Book review: The Magician by Michael Scott
Books, magick, reading, the alchemyst, the magician 0Lately I have been delving into this amazing book: The Magician - The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.
This is the sequel to The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.
I read this book a while back and loved it so much.
A combination of historical characters such as nicholas flamel, joan of arc, dr. john dee, etc. Excalibur sword, king arthur. Shadowrealms, vampires and magical and mystical creatures and monsters. Auras and magic, and also the global warming issues. Set in the world we know today with email, the internet, blogs, etc.
Basically nicholas flamel and his wife perennelle live in san francisco and own two separate shops, nicholas manages the book store and his wife a coffee shop. Two regular teens find a job at these places, two twins, the boy works at the book store and the girl at hte coffee shop across the street.
Without knowing they are the twins are the twins of a prophecy, nicholas discovers it and tells the twins, apparently they have the pure silver and gold auras and can change things and are set to do great things from the codec (book) that nicholas flamel has in his possession.
This book attracts a lot of attention as there is a formula for staying immortal that nicholas and perennelle need to not die and a lot more with this book one can possess the powers to cure disease, solve many of todays problems with the world but in the wrong hands can destroy. It attracts the attention of john dee who wants the book for the wrong reasons. The twins being the twins of the prophecy are the one who should have this book to use it for good. The books is stolen except for the two last pages, the most important pages. And a chase for nicholas, perennelle, and the twins as well as nicholas friend from and underworld shadowrealm scatach (a vampire) begins. they take leygate to paris nicholas and perennelle's home city, meanwhile the girl's powers were awakened but not the boys they go to paris in the hope that one of nicholas's friend could awaken the boy's powers. They are chased becasue john dee wants the last two pages, the most important, of the codec.
And of course using magick and leygates to travel they don't have papers, passport so they have to hide from police as well all in order to protect the last two pages of the codec.
Meanwhile perenelle was captured and her and nicholas are getting weaker and weaker since they couldn't make another batch of the potion to stay immortal, they are aging rather rapidly.
I am not done reading this book entirely but so far it keeps me wanting to read more and more.
I would suggest it to anyone with an interest in historical time and characters, magick, auras, other worlds, mystical and magickal creatures, suspense and anyone who enjoyed the harry potter series quite a bit.
demon, news, strange 0This is creepy, some type of a monster creature washes ashore on a new york beach.
One year with the one I love
anniversary, love, mexican food, waterslides 0This past weekend was the mark of one year with someone very very special to me. I love him very much.
One year was actually on the friday, July 25th. We made plans to go to mexicali Rosa downtown, I loved it, it was great.
Sunday we went to Mont Cascade, it was awesome. I surprised myself by trying more slides than I thought I ever would. I am kind of a wuss when it comes to that. Only three slides I absolutely didn't want to go on, one that you ended up upside down, one that was called the vortex although it looked like a toilet and as you were being flushed, it looked cool except that I wasn't too fond of the idea of the possibility of arriving head first in the water, I love water and swimming but not so brave when it comes to that. and the other was the kamikazee because of its big drop, went on one like that once and I think my heart is still up there, I know that is the thrilling part but I did not like the feeling so I decided to pass on the kamikazee.
But still proud of myself for trying: tornado alley. Was a little scared becasue I thought people ended up upside down, but after I tried it once I went again and loved it.
The pro racer one was great as well, the riveer rapids and also tried the black magick slide, I was a little reluctant at first since it is in the dark and you have no idea where you are going, but I actually enjoyed the ride a lot. The mammoth river was great as well, you get a big tube and get a lot of people in at once.
Unfortunately I don't have pictures since didn't want to leave the camera on a picnic table for people to steal, you never know. Plus too busy enjoying the slides.
But here is a link to the website, there are even videos of the slides, pretty neat:
Haiku for one year with the one I love
bliss, haikus, happiness, love, poetry 0Again this is me trying to write Haikus, bear with me I am still at the learning stage.
Someone Special
365 days ago
found one another
love, happiness and bliss, resulted
Summertime - New Kids on the block
donnie and danny, joey, jonathan, jordan, Music, New kids on the block, summertime 0I am so excited New kids on the block are making a come back, waited and hoped for so long for this that I don't care what anyone says. I like a boy band, yes I used to be a new kids fan and still am and will be until the day I die.
Found the first video of their come back, the song is called summertime, yes it still sounds pop-ish music, but i find it entertaining, it has a good beat to it... so I love it.
And to all the non-believers out there: they're back baby and they're here to ... STAY!
And I am going to see them in Montreal, this september. I can't wait.
Philotheus the Monkey
0My daemon's name would be philotheus and he is a monkey.
Ok I realize this could be confusing for people who haven't gotten into Philip Pullman's story - his dark materials including the golden compass.
And if you haven't you should, this book or trilogy is awesome, just as captivating as the Harry potter serie.
Deals with everything I love a lot, the different worlds theory in which some people have daemons that walk beside them all the time... they are an extension of their souls, and some other world where their daemons are inside (soul) , witches and the war against the Authority (aka church) I love it especially because it is a controversial book that was banned by churches and as I am almost done reading I can see why.
So I went on the golden compass website and took the quiz to find out what my daemon would be, basically it is a personality quiz like you see so many all over the net but I love this.
And found out this:
According to my personality (from the test) and I did answer the question quite honestly)...
I am: modest, inquisitive, spontaneous, proud and sociable.
And the daemon that was chosen for me based on that was:
A monkey named Philotheus. You can see on the picture.
Daemons are not the common association we give that word in this time, in this book everyone has a daemon as it is their soul and when you are cut apart then you die.
and in some world our daemons are inside, soul is inside and in lyra's world everyone walks around with their daemon follwing them right next to them.
Smiles for the Day
0The 36 Rules of Life:
1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
2. Don't worry about what people think ......... they don't do it very often.
3. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.
4. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
5. If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.
6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
8. A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.
10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
12. A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good.
13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
16. A balanced diet is a muffin in each hand.
17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.
18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
19. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.
20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
22. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
23. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
24. Someone who thinks logically provides nice contrast to the real world.
25. It ain't the jeans that make your butt look fat.
26. If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved it's full potential, that word would be "meetings."
27. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
28. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
29. You should not confuse your career with your life.
30. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
31. Never lick a steak knife.
32. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
33. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
34. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment
35. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that deep down inside we ALL believe we are good drivers.
36. Your Friends Love you anyway.
First try at Haiku poetry
haiku, love, poetry, soulmate 016-05-08
Embracing the night
Making wondrous memories
Our souls, united.
A Walk to Remember
One beautiful day
Walking hand-in-hand with you
Life's simplest pleasure
New Experiences
Meal with coworkers
First sushi experience
Greatly, enjoyed.
Night of a full moon
Obscured secrets are unmasked
Fears materialize
Weeping Willow
Sit reading under
your gorgeous golden branches
peace, serenity.
PS... May not be the best but I am trying.
I loooooooooooooove this video
0Happy Christmas (war is over) from the Beatles sung by my favourite quebec singer, Eric Lapointe
The Best Valentine's Day Ever
boyfriend, dinner wiht someone special, love, romance, Valentine's Day 0On February 14th, Valentine's Day, my boyfriend came and surprised me by bringing dinner... well not really that much a surprise because he had to ask me first if it was allright if he came on thursday night... though I would have never said it wasn't ok.
I gave him a present that I knew he had been looking a long time for it. The White Album by the Beatles. I never really expected to find it, but one day when I was at HMV I saw one copy of it, only one and I thought I can't leave it there. And planned all along to give it to him for valentine's day.
This valentine's day was doubly special because it was actually the first time I had someone to spend it with, before I just regarded it as cheezy commercial holiday, and always felt depressed because I kind of wanted to have someone to celebrate it with. I know this probably makes me sound dumb that in 34 years this way the real first time I had someone to celebrate it with, but no one ever really liked me that much before.
He gave me the cutest teddy bear and two little monkeys hugging, awwwwwwwwwwwww do sweet.
I still find that valentine's day, like every other holiday, is way too commercial. I mean some people expect to be bought this and that or taken out to dinner, I am not like that I just prefer a surprise and not knowing or expecting. And just spending the day with that special someone is good enough, because that is how it should be, in all honesty.
He also out of the blue got me flowers, normally I would say I prefer seeing the flowers in their natural habitat rather than people cutting them and making them die sooner than they should, but it felt really great as, again, no one ever actually got me flowers.
I love you shawn.
Six Blissful Loving Months
0On January 25, 2008 marked Shawn and myself's sixth month of blissful love. Awwwww.
We decided to go back to splash wave pool since we both enjoyed it quite a bit the last time. I never get tired of the waves, mind you it isn't like the real ocean but it is quite the good alternative when you can't go to the ocean.We also went back to Robbie' Italian Restaurant after splash for their really tasty spaghetti and meatballs. Well let's face it practically because we wanted to make ourselves some spaghetti sandwiches. hehehe And this time it was even more perfect than the last time, we got to sit at a table right next to the fireplace, we couldn't asked for a more romantic six months dinner.
I gave Shawn a painting of E.T. poster I had been working on for a while and set it aside, but I really wanted to have it done by six months as it is special and I did. He loved it since he loves E.T. as much as I do, I must say I was pretty proud of it, painting hands isn't the easiest thing for me, but I must say it turned out better than I thought.
Shawn gave me this cute jewelry box and he had it engraved shawn and nancy 6 months, awwwwwwwww. I kind of felt a bit bad at first that I just made the painting and bought him the saw IV dvd he wanted. but I guess making something is very special because I did put all my heart into the painting, not literally though as it would have made for a gross looking painting. hehehe.The next morning I treated MY Shawn to Cora's for breakfast since he treated me to Robbie's the previous night. have been spoiled with the Cora experience.I don't know if I could really enjoy breakfast somewhere else now that I
probably could but something would be missing and that would be the fruit cocktail. Oh so good fresh fruit cocktail. And what we recently found out was that they give unlimited toats and don't charge for it if you want more, sweet. Although after two I was pretty full, perhaps because my toast were multigrain, hehehe hippie food. multigrain bread perhaps fills me up a lot more than white bread I don't know.
The BEST date ever
0On November 24th, MY boyfriend had the best idea he could have ever had... go to splash wave pool.
As I love water so much and had never been to splash wave pool but I believe I will definitely be going back, it is way too much fun.
Shawn actually got me to try the slide, was a bit scared, I am not used to slides as I don't particular like the idea that my head could go in the water, but I wanted to try it, especially since everyone said that if you don't want your head in the water just make sure you stand up as soon as you get to the water. I did except the weirdest thing happen, I kind of got hurt a bit, ribs I think, maybe I was too scared and I probably arrived too quick and . I didn't go back after because of fear, perhaps I will try it again someday and try and relax more, the first time I suppose everyone is a little more scared, I will see.
But the wave pool I could spend countless hours in there for sure, and it was pretty hard to get me out of the pool, we stayed until the last possible time, until closing time.
We came back and made a delicious pizza, Onion Olive pizza, well I improvise and put chicken on it, makes it even better.
And on sunday I went to a cinema that never knew existed, rainbow cinema at st-laurent center, had no idea there was a movie theatre there, and the movies are only $3.00 sweet deal, only thing is the new arrivals play there much later than in other theatres but sometiems it is worth the wait. I saw Underdog, it was quite good and funny too.
Well that is about it for now, later