I am currently reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I had never heard of this author before but this would not stop me from picking up her book and quite enjoying it I must say. I like discovering new authors and I can say from what I read so far, I am two chapters away from the third part of the novel, it is very well-written.
The story depicts a US of the future where twelve district are controlled by reality TV. The Hunger Games feature glamorous opening ceremonies, sponsorships, personal interviews and end in a fight to the death.
Normally district 12 tributes do not receive much attention but this time it all changed when Katniss volunteers to take the place of her little sister Prim in the games and Peeta declares his loves for her during the interviews, possibly as part of his strategy is what Katniss concludes but as the games progress she questions her conclusions especially when he saves her life and by default betrays the career tributes with whom he made an alliance.
This book kind of reminds me of the show survivors minus the fight to the death part of course. I cannot say I watched survivor much, I started during the very first season but later on got bored of it. I am not one for reality TV. In fact I always say if you want reality, just get out of your house and you will see reality.
I personally believe that TV producers or writers have gotten quite lazy with all the reality TV shows out there. I gather the shows write themselves, no need to actually sit down and think up an original story. That is why my TV has been off for at least a year, save the occasional Family Guy or Simpsons episodes once in a while.
I must say, I have not missed TV that much, except perhaps for House, MD. The show is on mondays and usually I have soccer then therefore I cannot watch it. It's quite allright, I could just get the DVDs and watch all the episodes I missed. Quite frankly it will be better because there is no commercials.
I recently decided to try something new. Jogging. I should probably call it jogwalking in my case because, as I found out two days ago, I do not have much leg endurance. So I jog for a while and alternate with walking. It works and I like it.
I have a newly found respect and admiration for the people who do the 5k or 10k in Ottawa. Running is hard. Okay perhaps I am a whimp or just not in such a great shape. I am all set to keep this up though and am hoping it will give me more running endurance for soccer. I find, when I am not in the goal, I run a little and get tired way to quickly.
On that note, if you are looking for a great book which will keep you reading until the end for the summer vacations or just for relaxing after a long day at work, just go to your local boo store and pick up a copy of The Hunger Games.
(Don't Forget to be awesome)
See you later.