I saw this amazing movie last night called the last mimzy. I had been wanting to see it but little did I know I was going to love it as much, at first I thought I'd like it because I am a child at heart and it is somewhat a kid's movie but I found that it is much more then that.
All the symbolism and links to alice in wonderland which I also think there is much more to this story than a child's fairy tale, the links to open people's eyes, not only kids I am sorry every adults should see that in fact adults are the ones who should see it because they are the ones who have forgotten and confirmed to life on this plane and forgotten their soul self, essentially has been polluted by all regular daily life and what other people believe and think... as the little girl in the movie I always have found myself being different and not quite fitting in and now I know why because I am different and follow my heart and beliefs and do not want my soul polluted and fight with trying to keep it pure in a way.
I always have believed that there were more to life than what we see and this movie actually has confirmed my thoughts and beliefs on that and also gave me one more reasons to research mandala paintings and the meaning of them as well as palm reading, tarot, etc.
Lately I have been letting my soul be polluted with trying to fit it and be like everyone else going against what I always believed in and stopped following my heart, soul as I always have done not wanting to follow others, refusing to be a sheep and like everyone else and I do believe that is why I stopped painting or haven't felt like I have been painting and drawing with my heart and soul and haven't really been able to paint dragons there is a reason why I always used to paint dragons not because it is pretty or on a superficial level but because that is my soul.
I have let some people lately try me and make me want to conform and be like everyone else to the point that I have become jealous of certain people and wished I wasn't myself or so different but why wouldn't I be? So I am different and I know more than most people, I think I may have had more than one life so far and in truth I always felt that, I believe that is why I always have felt like an outsider and as if I didn't really fit in and refused to fall to peer pressure and always set out to follow my soul and beliefs of my own.
This movie also reinforced the thought that we all are balls of light born on this plane to experience things that help our souls grow and become better people, more enlightened, and we are there to follow our path to an enlightened soul and as long as our soul hasn't reach that ultimate goal it is the reason we come back again and again. I know most people would think this is crazy or weird but I say why do people are so keen to call these these weird?
Simple we all call things we don't know weird just because we don't know or are afraid of them or finding out.
Like in the movie the parents were afraid and thought they needed to seek help when they found out their children found this box from another dimension with strange toys and little bunny rabbit, the fbi thought them dangerous and soon found out that it is because on this plane we are thought to believe that anything that is different, doesn't go by the book or follow specific rules and guidelines is ultimately weird, dangerous and strange.
The movie also reinforces my beliefs that there is more to life than what we see as in there are other life forms in the universe and we are not alone and we cannot communicate with them because we aren't as advanced as they are or our souls aren't as pure... the last mimzy was sent on this plane because they needed the help of this race and do you know what they needed? Something in their genes, not something technical, technological, but...
a simple tear from a pure soul, a soul not contaminated and polluted yet by our race and beliefs and who was different from others (the little girl).
I also saw myself in that little girl when she mentioned no kids talked to her because she was a certain way, liked certain things, didn't confirm and felt like she didn't quite fit and was different.
And like at the end of the movie when the teacher from the other dimensions, school is set outdoors and all the kids go back flying... I do believe we all are able to fly like that, as in the peter pan story we just have forgotten how to, our souls have. If one thinks about it we all are balls of lights and are born and come to this plane to learn and experience things and we all try to fit in and forget our souls and just become physical beings.
All in all I do believe I will buy this movie when it comes out and watch it over and over again, not because I am a kid but because this is more than just a story, there is so much more told in this movie, that I gather most people won't see it entirely but I believe everyone should totally sit down and think and try to see the deeper meaning.
Totally amazing and I am not ashamed to say that I loved it more than I even thought I would.
Go see it, but see it with your soul or the kid inside you, it is entirely worth it... worth the $10.
Movie Review: The Last Mimzy
0The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel
0This is the book, read: one of the books, I am reading at the moment and I must say I find it quite the interesting story. A friend read it and she made a suggestion, a while back, that I should read it and would enjoy this book. I had totally forgotten about it until I stopped by that little old bookstore next to the Bytowne Theatre to obviously get some other book, read: books hehe being a bookworm it is quite hard not to go into a bookstore and buy books, when I came across this book and remembered her suggesting I'd pick it up.
Now I can't really review it since I just started it but I must say so far it has kept me reading, talks about a nomad tribe in search of a new cave, place to live, due to a catastrophy and a little girl having lost her tribe and being adopted into the clan to the dismay of certain members and the joy of others. A big part of why I like it so much is that it has the magical aspect to it, not in the sense of people wearing pointy hats and waving wands but the "real magick" the one that is all around us, the spirits that guide and help us through life, good and hard times and how we need to thank them and be good to them to not have bad karma... not entirely sure if I believe in karma that way but I do believe there is more to life than what we see...
The little girl is so extremely different and has such a powerful totem that normally women of this tribe don't have that it creates frictions with other members and some wonder whether she will mate because in this tribe according to the members women are not allowed to have more powerful totems as the men... I guess you can relate it to real life and some guys who still won't admit women are allowed to be equals sometimes for certain things.
Anyways, I will keep reading and add my review of it later, which I am sure will be great. Meantime, so far I would recomment it to anyone who loves to read and ha that belief that there is more to life than what we really see.
Book Review: Les Filles de Caleb
0Quite some time ago, well actually when I was in high school this series of three books came out. Though at the time I thought there only was two books and recently discovered the third one. I read and also watched the miniserie called Les Filles de Caleb. This is the story of basically three generation of really strong women who always knew what they wanted in life and despite having to struggle with the time and constraints and people telling them you should do this and that as this is the proper way for a woman to act, managed to realize their dreams and stick to their beliefs never to let a man tell them what they should do or how they should act.
The first story, le chant du coq, is about Emilie, Caleb's very strong-willed daughter, whom at his greatest fears (to be edited when I find a better word for it) sometimes thinks she is too stubborn and will never find a man to marry and have a family as at the time, beginning of 1900s that is what women were supposed to do but Emilie always has in her her to continue her education and become a teacher which was frowned upon for girls of that time and as the first of a generation of strong-willed woman she does and proves everyone that women with enough determination could achieve any of their dreams. Truly inspiring in my book. So we see Emilie more to St-Tite from St-Stanilas - two small village close to Shawinigan I guess I should mention that town as most english speaking people know of it from a certain prime minister who had trouble even speaking in his own mother tongue haha - the two villages nowadays are in fact very close by but in those days or horses and carriages it was quite far. Anyways she moves to St-Tite to become a teacher in a small village school she is about 18 at the time if I remember correctly, still quite young but in those days I suppose it was old... she ends up falling in love and marrying one of her students he was the same age as she was, if you remember in those days only boys more proned to continue their education that is why he was in her class, he left school obviously as he was frowned upon for her to be with him and be his teacher as well. They have a rocky relationship and obviously in those times women popped children like there was no tomorrow, yikes. And he always kept leaving her with all the burden of the family and disappearing for very long periods of time to go work in the woods, he had the call of the wood as you can say it and coming back making her another baby and so on... despite all this Emilie being a strong-willed and determined woman continued teaching and taking care of the house, kids by herself most of the times. At one point she finds out Ovila (his name) is in Shawinigan as the town was booming at that point and decides to pack everything up and move their and force him to take care of his family which took quite a bit of courage on her part and yet she still had to be stronger than anything all through her years. She loved him sincerely and dearly but he used her quite a bit as we could say nowadays and in those days it was frowned upon to divorce or leave him once married.Le cri de l'oie Blanche is the story of her daughter, another very strong-willed woman with dreams of being a doctor. As her mother she faced, due to the times she lived in, with the remarks of everyone telling her that it wasn't seen and done for a woman to become a doctor and pursue a career but as her strong-willed mother she persevered no matter what everyone said to discourage her. She studies to be a nurse in Montreal because obviously she wouldn't be accepted in the medicine program to become a "real" doctor and ends up being a doctor moving north (Abitibi) were only men were there to work in the (chantiers - sorry I can't find the right english word at the moment) and she moves there by herself to be a nurse as obviously that small retreated village needed someone to care for patients and the women giving birth rather than have to go far away to see a doctor, so in a way she realizes her dream and goal of being a doctor though no one really recognizes her skills and still treat her as a mere woman and not as an equal to men... sadly I think this can still exist even nowadays and that pisses me off sometimes possibly because I too come from a generation of strong women. You can say this story is a little the story of my grandmother, mother and myself as well as I am sure a lot of french-canadian people can see themselves in that story which makes it a truly well-written and researched story. Thumbs up to the author: Arlette Cousture. It is a true story with a little bit of fiction in it as it is the case for every book written. Anyways, Blanche meets the man of her dreams and marries and unlike her mother only has two children, two daughters and two very strong-willed daughter as well, obviously a family trait.
I love this story because you can truly see the differences but at the same time similiarities of all these woman in which they fight to be themselves and realize their goals and dreams despite whatever anyone says or tells them they shouldn't or it isn't proper or good. I prefer the term strong-willed rather than stubborn but I suppose there is a lot of stubborness in all of them. haha And you can truly see that each generation did a little bit better and got a little bit more successful in achieving their goals as the other... I guess you can say this is a story pioneering feminism in a way and women standing up for themselves and what they believe in. I guess that is why the books were and continue to be so popular and why any woman and man should read them.L'abandon de la mesange is the story of Elise mainly, her sister too but mostly Elise, Blanche's eldest who has the dream of a country life having lived in the city all her life, I suppose you could say the grass is greener on the other side of the fence... she too is very strong-willed or stubborn, at her mother's desperate tries to want her to not make the same mistakes but as it is always the case everyone needs to live their life and make the mistakes in order to learn and grow... she too has to go through a lot of pain and criticism and being told you cannot or should not do this mainly her mother and sister telling her she shouldn't go back to the way it was for women and women have come too far to be regarded as somewhat equals though still not exactly equals even in those times... but the stron-willed read: stubborn if you wish, elise is determined to realize her dreams and live in the country and have a family rather than study which is what Blanche and her husband Clovis set money aside in order for their daughter to not be dependent on a man... but she learns by her mistakes and having fallen in love with a guy who essentially ended up being somewhat like her grandfather Ovila, Blanche is devasted to see that her daughter chose this path for herself but as it is the case with life knows Elise has to go through this to learn and grow.
Anyways that sums it up... if you understand french or I believe it was translated I would definitely recommend this serie of books to anyone women and men as well. This is part of the french-canadian culture and I believe will remain that way for years and years to come.
Truly amazing read.
Bon Cop Bad Cop by Eric Canuel
I already saw this movie twice once with a certain someone that I supposed I was dating still a bit confusing on that one has he ended up lying and pretending a lot and last saturday with anna-marie and Nick. I had to see it again for one thing because I could get to see the Tattoo video on the dvd by one of my favourite Quebec artist: Eric Lapointe and two ever since I found out it actually won a genie.
I would say if you understand french you can probably like the movie a lot more aas well as if you understand the Ontario-Quebec differences and politics or else if you are english and just like to hear french people swear. LOL there sure is a lot of that in this movie, you can also learn to conjugate the swear words and all their uses. hehehe
All in all great movie and totally worth seeing. Check it out!
Bon Cop Bad Cop Synopsis
Sore Feet and The Green Door
0The title sounds like a fantasy story doesn't it? Sore Feet could be the name of a monster and the green door some mystical place to attain. hehe. I took quite the long walk yesterday after work. When I got out of the office and saw the beautiful sunny and warm day I just couldn't pass up the chance of going for a spring walk. The rainy, gray and cold weather really gives me the winter blues and when I see the sun out and the weather being so warm and beautiful I just cannot help but take a spur of the moment walk. I walked from Smyth Rd to basically Albert Street. For those of you who aren't familiar it is quite the walk but I enjoyed. I also finally decided to try this little vegetarian restaurant I had been meaning to try called The Green Door, it is a lot like Le Commensale in Montreal but quite smaller, great food... no meat but great food indeed. Than I kept on a walking, at first when I saw that the sun was gone I figured I'd take the bus but decided not to. I stopped at Starbucks for a pomagranate juice blend, this is really good than walked all the way to albert st to go take the bus to go home. You can check the link to website for The Green Door restaurant, bad looking site but great food anyways.
The Green Door
Check it out!