The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel

This is the book, read: one of the books, I am reading at the moment and I must say I find it quite the interesting story. A friend read it and she made a suggestion, a while back, that I should read it and would enjoy this book. I had totally forgotten about it until I stopped by that little old bookstore next to the Bytowne Theatre to obviously get some other book, read: books hehe being a bookworm it is quite hard not to go into a bookstore and buy books, when I came across this book and remembered her suggesting I'd pick it up.

Now I can't really review it since I just started it but I must say so far it has kept me reading, talks about a nomad tribe in search of a new cave, place to live, due to a catastrophy and a little girl having lost her tribe and being adopted into the clan to the dismay of certain members and the joy of others. A big part of why I like it so much is that it has the magical aspect to it, not in the sense of people wearing pointy hats and waving wands but the "real magick" the one that is all around us, the spirits that guide and help us through life, good and hard times and how we need to thank them and be good to them to not have bad karma... not entirely sure if I believe in karma that way but I do believe there is more to life than what we see...
The little girl is so extremely different and has such a powerful totem that normally women of this tribe don't have that it creates frictions with other members and some wonder whether she will mate because in this tribe according to the members women are not allowed to have more powerful totems as the men... I guess you can relate it to real life and some guys who still won't admit women are allowed to be equals sometimes for certain things.

Anyways, I will keep reading and add my review of it later, which I am sure will be great. Meantime, so far I would recomment it to anyone who loves to read and ha that belief that there is more to life than what we really see.