Quidditch: Now that is a sport I would definitely watch or play perhaps

A while back I went to my favourite little old bookstore, close to the Bytown Theatre, and found this neat little book - related to the Harry Potter series - called "Quidditch through the ages".

I absolutely had to get it and read this especially since when I first started to get into the Harry Potter series of books and movies, and also when I first saw a Quiddittch game, I loved it. I don't know there is something about this game that is exciting. True it is a rough game and players get hurt quite a bit, but they are wizards, they can mend bones with magickal potions. lol That is one great extreme sport.

I loved the book, and loved it more since it has a seal on it marked "property of Hogwarts library". I kind of felt as if I myself went to Hogwarts and had borrowed it. And the names of the people who had borrowed it before I did.

The way it is written, you would definitely believe that this sport really exist and has teams all over the world who compete for the world Quidditch cup. I caught myself believing that it was an actual sport.

One of the Quidditch team they talked about in the book was the chudley cannons, they reminded me of the montreal canadians or the ottawa senators in the way that they used to be great and always winning the world cup and now they can't seem to win much anymore though the die hard fans still back them up, cheering them hoping for a win.

Hmmmmm... that sounds quite familiar. ;)

Anyways that is a great book. Small, easy to read and interesting especially if you are a Harry Potter fan and love odd sports and believe that magick is all around us and it could be possible that there exist a wizarding world where wizard all over the world would play Quidditch.
