Yesterday was my very first photography class. I love taking photographs but I found myself always using the AUTO function on my Nikon D40 Digital SLR camera practically because I am afraid of trying manual settings never having been trained properly to learn about aperture, shutter speed, white balance, etc. A fear of the result being poor quality pictures.
This first class was like a first date if you wish. You know when you first meet someone and you don't know so much about that person and have butterflies and jitters in your stomach from being so excited to get to know that special someone who makes your heart skip a beat.
Well, that is sort of how it felt last night. Okay I admit it may be a silly analogy but I can't help it. Nonetheless, it was all about getting to know our cameras a little better. As I, a lot of the people, knew the AUTO function quite well practically because it is so much easier rather than play around with the settings.
The teacher was amazing. No really even better than that but I can't find the right adjectives to describe. All in all a feeling of awesomeness took over me after that first class. I admit I was a little anxious as to whether it would be too basic and end up being boring. I mean, do not get me wrong, I need a basic photography class since I have never taken one before. I always regretted not doing so when I took the graphic communication program at Laval University , but it is all in the past, better look to the future. It is never too late to learn something new. After all life is a journey in which one never knows everything she needs to know. Never stop learning that is what keeps you young and interesting as a human being.
Okay, I skidded a little off track from what I was talking about to sound a little to philosophical. Let's get back to last night's photography class.
As I was saying, the teacher was quite amazing and I have a good feeling that I will learn a lot. Money well spent I am sure. Anyway, that is something I have been looking into for a while now, just never found one class that I thought would be great.
I ended up having a very interesting discussion with her as well after class, I asked her if I could show her some of my photos, posted on flickr and give some feedback if she could. I found out she is a designer as well but her first love is photography and that she took the very same university program at Laval University as well, of course she took it before me as she is older. So, we ended up talking about the classes and program and she told me she found that Claude Cossette was too much into the advertising, the program changed so much when he got there. She also did an exchange and went to alberta and studied design there and found the teacher were better, some were from switzerland and an other place that I cannot remember. A part of me wished I had taken more initiative like this when at Uni, and keep thinking that if I had been a little holder to take the program I might have put more focus and be more determined to achieve more.
We also talked about the design world, searching for work in ad agencies and how sometimes it is a very cruel and uncertain world. She ended up starting her own business because she couldn't deal with people showing her so much lack of respect. One guy once told her: "while you work here, I own your life". Not a direct quote but similar to that, meaning that if he asked her to work 24/7 and not have a life she had to accept it. She ended up telling him to his face to never ever talk to her like that just because she is working for him and then quitting.
The class and chat after definitely was a very positive experience.
I am totally psyched for that class and I am hoping that with learning how to take much better photograph I can finally do something with my etsy account and perhaps start selling my photos and make some extra money.
On another note, tomorrow is Halloween and my and shawn's halloween party. I still haven't had time to finish putting decorations since I filled up my schedule with soccer, drawing class, volleyball and now photography class. Yes, I know I take on so many things but I can't help it, so many things do interest me. Also got books to read, and exercise routine that I must say I failed at keeping it up once more. I need a day with more than 24 hours, yes that is what I NEED desperately.
Shawn is coming over and will help me with the decoration and I need to get some veggies and dip, hopefully people bring some snacks as it was written on the invitation. I want to get some berry punch to make a dragon's blood punch as well and put in a bowl in the plastic cauldron I have for decoration at the entrance. And I need to roast the pumpkin seeds too, I don't want to waste this. It is bad enough that the pumpkin I carved has now died. RIP pumpkin Hedwig, I carved an owl.
Shawn's pumpkin is still standing but I do not know for how long. I guess the lesson here is not to carve it the weekend before but rather a day or two before the party.
Another topic was something I saw on google yesterday, the logo was changed for the 50th aniversary of asterix and obelix. Anyone else remember watching them on radio-quebec during cine-cadeaux? I don't know but for me it is a highlight of my childhood, every christmas I was glued to the TV to watch the episodes or movies, not sure what they were.
Perhaps english people would not remember that, I think it might have been translated since it was originally made in french.
I search on youtube for some of the episode and managed to find them, this brings back a lot of memories.
On that note, I am tired and I think I will go to sleep soon.
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Photography class, halloween and asterix and Obelix
asterisk, haloween, obelisk, party, Photography 0Harry a History by Melissa Anelli: A must for every HP fanatics
Books, harry a history, Harry Potter, jo rowling, melisssa anelli, reading 0
I recently just finished the a book called Harry a History. As you probably have guessed by now, it has to do with the Harry Potter phenomenon.
The book is quite different, it isn't a fantasy or love story, more like a recollection of everything that has been surrounding the publishing of Jo Rowling's amazing novels.
From the point of you of one girl just like you and I, living in New York, who had finished college and was working at a job that she was not enjoying while searching for what she really wanted to do. In the meantime playing an active part in the harry potter phenomenon, checking message bord, reading fanfic checking the major harry potter sites for news on her favourite book serie.
She ended up becoming the webmistress of and reporting for them, her major was journalism. Ending up doing more reporting for leaky than her current reporter job and enjoying leaky reporting a lot more that she eventually made the decision to quit her job and concentrate on reporting for leaky, organizing conferences and pottercast (podcast shows). And concentrating on writing the very novel that I am reviewing at the moment. And ended up flying to england to interview Jo Rowling herself for leaky, reporting the news on on the website for all HP fans, but I do believe it was not just for the website, and was more than that.
Upon reading this book, it made me realize that calling myself a harry potter fan for reading books and watching the movies over and over was a little misguided. There is so much more to this phenomenon. Let's face it, we can call it a phenomenon for sure.
With, fans attending conferences such as leakycon, etc., writing lyrics and composing music based on their favourite parts of the seven different novels and creating a brand new genre of music called: wizard rock, which I just recently found out about and downloaded songs for my iPod. Soon groups like Harry and the Potters, the instigators of the new wizard rock genre, consisting of two brothers who obviously loved the HP serie, The parselmouths, the mudbloods, the whomping willows which oddly enough is comprised of only one member, the moaning myrtles, etc. Organizing tours of different bookstores in several cities, mostly american cities though, to my disappointement. Now I sort wish I lived in the united states to be able to attend one or some of those wizard rock shows.
I also found out that at some conference, they actually play quidditch. Without the flying on broomstick part of course but a muggle version of the wizard game. In an attempt to make the wizarding world of Harry Potter seem real. What am I talking about IT IS REAL, Hogwarts DOES exist. I just haven't yet received my admittance letter to the school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Yes, I do know I am weird. From reading the book I realized that I am not the only one who wish this school existed and feel like they would fit in better in that environment because they too are different and unique.
And I refuse to believe or say the word conventions. It is called Harry Potter conferences. Conventions are for geeks, trekies [not certain if this is spelled this way]. Perhaps a little in denial here. lol
I really felt as though I experienced a little bit of the phenomenon as I was reading the book. If she succeeded in making me feel this way from reading this story, she accompliged her goal and I am certain many more people who haven't had much chances to participate fully in the entire Harry potter phenomenon would feel as though reading this book gave them a sense of being part of something bigger than just reading the books and waiting for the release of the movies by themselves.
I felt like I was not alone in loving this serie so much. And that, is quite comforting.
Well, on that note I think I will end this post by recommending this great book to you if you are a fan of the serie or if you just want to see the extent of this phenomenon. 100% worth reading.
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Lesson to learn: set smaller goals, seriously. 50 books in a year, what was I thinking.
Books, lists, reading 0All right, I just found a list of books I made for myself and planning to read 50 books in a year. I am not certain this goal will happen, I am soooooooooo behind.
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Fantastic Beast and Where to Find them
Quidditch throught the Ages
The Alchemist
The Magician
The Sorceress
His Dark Materials (three books)
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Charlotte's Web
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
The Return of The Little Prince
Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines
Paper Towns
Let It Snow
Harry a History
The Lost Symbol
Missing Time
Planning to read:
Wicked and Cursed
Ten Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Prince Caspian
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
Son of a Witch
Sadly I may have to accept defeat, there is no way I can reach that goal. Moral of the story, set a smaller goal next time. Sigh. Unless a miracle was to happen.
Well I supposed that is it for this post.
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
The Wild Things, Homemade Pizza, Soccer win and Wii Active
Active, dinner, friends, movies, pizza, soccer, Wii, wild things, win 0Hello blogging world,
The weekend was relaxing and fun altogether. On saturday I invited friends over and we made ourselves a pizza dinner, not store bought, homemade. It tastes much better. We made my variation of a recipe I found online for Onion Olive pizza.
I usually had peppers, mushrooms and chicken as it does not have much toppings and switch the feta cheese for regular cheddar. St-Albert, the best, if you cannot get P'tit Quebec that is. ;)
Than we went to see "Where the Wild Things Are". I had seen previews for it and knew I had to see it. No regrets. It is the story of a boy, who can be quite a handful, acts up and gets punished a lot and also misunderstood I would say. He uses his imagination to invent himself a world, with different creatures who have quite distinct characters similar to some of the people he has encountered in his life, and that he can quite relate to. Instead of eating him they make him their king.
I loved it and can relate to the story because I did just the same as a kid, use my imagination to invent myself new worlds. Making up various stories and getting lost in my imagination.
On another note, tonight I had a soccer game at 9pm. Quite late for a game, I was already a little tired to begin with. I don't think I was in my best shape, but nonetheless we won 8-4 if I am not mistaking. And I also got to play up a little, defense and offense. I have to say: "It's a whole lot of running". But I still like it more exercise, we just sub more that is all.
I did go back to goalie, it gave me time to catch my breath. I think I may have little remnants of a cold because I was more exhausted than usual after running.
After the game I went to drop off catherine and we got stuck for a while waiting behind three fire truck as a fire alarm obviously went off downtown. No flames or smoke though, must have been either a false alarm or someone tried to make toasts and burnt them.
So, when I came home I did some Wii Active. I know it is a little crazy especially after playing soccer, but I started the 30-day challenge and this time I HAVE to keep up with it every day. Tomorrow is a rest day though so will relax.
I just took two tylenols to make sure I do get rid of any cold symptoms and am currently sipping echinecea tea.
And now, I am going to bed. I need the rest.
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
D-Activ8, "firsts" and FREE parking
club, d-activat8, firsts, free parking, Music, rock, socialite 0Well folks last night was amazing. It was a spur of the moment decision but I am glad that I kicked myself in the butt and experienced this.
Ok, you might be thinking: "What in the world is she talking about?" Last night I went to a club in downtown Ottawa, not a dance club mind you but a small club to hear a ne and upcoming band play. By new I mean starting out in this business because they were not completely new to everyone there.
The band is called D-Activ8, I heard about them from Ben, a guy who was in my soccer team, it is his brother's band. It is a rock band heavy rock I would say at least heavier than the type of music I listen to, save Eric Lapointe of course. Check them out on myspace music. If you like this sort of music that is.
They are great and they definitely deserve to make it in this business. I think they are going straight to the top.
Of course I a not an expert when it comes to music, all I can say is that THEY CAN ROCK. And that is what they did last night: ROCK THE HOUSE if I may say so.
The opening acts were not bad at all either. One was called "The Birthday Boys" and I forget what the first one's name was, although compared to D-Activ8 I would say they were good. :)It is safe to say that last night, they gained a new fan.
Experiencing something you might not have done before, and I am talking a couple years ago if you told me that I would be going to a club downtown to hear a new band and be part of the social scene, I would have told you: "Are you kidding, this is not my thing".
First and new experiences are great. Life is about new experiences because if you always stay in your little comfortable bubble and never force yourself to do anything new, you simply cannot grow as a person.
The show was at the Live Lounge, if I remember the name carefully. It was really cute and well decorated and also kind of cozy, meaning that it was not huge and able to fit and insane amount of people. I prefer this sort of thing to incredibly crowded places.
I almost went into the wrong club though, club that is kind of the "slut club" as Ben called it. He calls it that because you see all these girls in skimpy outfits and you clearly know what their aim is: possibly hook up with some guy. Yikes. I got all the way to the cash to pay the cover charge when luckily I asked if it was where D-Activat8 was playing. When the girl said "no, it is next door" I ran out of there a little embarrassed at my mistake but hey it happens. lol And also glad that I didn't join in on that crowd which is definitely not my type of crowd.
First experiences are great but I do not think I want to start going to clubs known as the "slut club". I much prefer the cozy and artist feeling of the live lounge and actually hearing some new music rather than the purpose being to see all these people hook up with just about any guy. I really felt like I didn't belong as I was standing in line and kept wishing to see someone I knew, aka ben or perhaps catherine who said she might go, just to know that I was not in the wrong place and indeed I was.
That is totally me for sure though, making a mistake like that and almost going into the wrong place. lol Well, lesson learned and now I can say I have found a great place to go if ever I want to hear some new groups.
I always thought that it might be dangerous or scary to walk in the market at night. But somehow I didn't feel so scared. Mind you I made sure to be extra careful and park my car in a well lit area, no parking garage as this can be a little shady. But when I got out of the club at the end of the show, there was a lot of people walking around and I did as I usually do, make sure I walk amongst the crowd rather than on some street on my own, always holding my cell phone in my hand as my mom always made sure to warn me just in case. Even though I live close to the market, well possibly a 15 to 20 minutes walk, yes I walk slow, small legs lol, I prefered to take my car since it was at night and walking back to my place this late alone, is a stupid move for any girl. It is sad to say but the world can be a scary place sometimes for girls, with creepy weirdos that come out at night and everything you hear on the news, mind you I haven't really watched the news or TV lately but I do hear what happens and make sure I am safe at all times.
I was not sure I would find parking downtown at night. I found a spot after a couple times of driving around and I was looking at the meter-thingy to find out how much it cost and how long I could stay there for when a couple asked me the very question that was puzzling me: "How much does it cost?"
We later found out that it said FREE until 8:30am and nothing on it said we had to put money in it at night. Sweet! I mean if we got tickets we could have contested it because the machine CLEARLY stated "FREE UNTIL 8:30AM".
All in all, it was a fun night. I was quite tired as I got back home around 1am but it was totally worth it.
Awesome experience and amazing new band.
This year is totally the year of firsts for me. Started playing soccer, well I started that a little before this year but I digress. I joined a volleyball group and went out to a pub after a game with them, signed on for a drawing class and a photography class. I like this new me, becoming a little bit more social. No worries though, the liking my alone time will never disappear, I am still the little nerdy girl prefering to sit in a coffee shop's comfortable chair and spend hours reading or drawing or learning geeky programming from google or painting in the comfort of my home. Which lately I haven't found the time, but I will eventually. I MUST since I have a great idea for a painting and am quite antsy to start putting colours on canvas.
Bye for now, folks and hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins: A MUST READ!
Books, catching fire, nerdfighters, reading 0Well, hello again internet. I have just finished reading Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games. So, I thought I would blog about it and give you my impressions of this book series so far. I say so far because I have a feeling, from the ending, that there may be a book three. We'll see. ;)
Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. The Hunger Games have begun...
With the sequel, catching fire, the capitol is angry. The capitol wants revenge.
Could you survive on your own, in the wild, with everyone out to make sure you don't live to see the morning?I can sum it up in one word: AMAZING! The surprise twist at the end was unexpected to a degree. I knew that the one they now called "the mockingjay" aka Katniss, our heroine in this story would cause a rebellion and uprising against "the capitol" in the districts, unbeknownst to her. By winning the first hunger games, something district 12 twelve tributes rarely do due to lack of sponsors and totally denying the capital by pulling out those poisoned berries and pretending to eat them along with Peeta, refusing to kill and prefering to commit suicide and forcing the capitol to have TWO victors that year. Making the capitol look bad in the eyes of all the districts which was definitely not appreciated by the latter.
This book is riveting, full of suspense from beginning to end, just the right amount of romance without being "cheesy" and a survival of the fittest type of story. It has a reality TV type of feel but much better, I am not one for watching reality show as I do not believe it makes for excellent TV programming but with this book it works. I would even say that it is even better and more thrilling than The Hunger Games, the first novel of the serie. Suzanne Collins definitely won with this one, a must read. I put her on my list of favourite writers definitely. She has succeeded in making me love a book serie, if not more, just as much as JK Rowling's Harry Potter serie. And that in my book is the greatest accomplishment of all.
The ending leads me to believe that there will be be a book three coming, if so I MUST find out when it comes out and be there ready to get it on the day it is out.
We are left with Gale telling Katniss that district 12 is no more but that her family is safe. At the end of the hunger games, when the capitol realized that they have been played by the gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee, who had secret plans for years to overthrow the capitol and included some of the quarter quell tributes in his plan asking one to create a hole in the force field surrounding the arena and when Katniss realized who the enemy was aka the capitol, she used one of her arrows, tied beetee's wire to it and finish what beetee was supposed to do. Though Peeta and Johanna were captured by the capitol to eventually be forced to speak up and tell the capitol what they knew about this, Katniss, Finnick and Beetee were rescued by a hovercraft from the supposedly extinct District 13 by Plutarch Heavensbee and Haymitch.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that there is a third novel being written. Suzanne Collins cannot leave the readers not knowing what happens next. Though I must admit that is a perfect suspense ending leaving the reader wanting more.
I give this story ten thumbs up.
If you haven't picked up The Hunger Games yet, I would highly recommend it if you like this type of story that is. Than pick up the sequel later on. You definitely will not regret it.
Bye for now,
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Soccer, drawing class, the sorceress and catching fire
catching fire, drawing class, reading, soccer, the sorceress, volleyball 0Well, it has been a while since I have written anything on here. I know I am bad, I cannot keep a daily blog. ;)
The only free nights I have during the week are thursdays and fridays, which will change around mid-october since I will have a photography class on thursdays. I know I might be nuts but I love to keep myself busy rather than work, go home and sit in front of the computer or tv.
On monday my soccer team won 18-2. I am goalie, ME, a girl who always has been afraid of the ball. I really didn't want to let any goals in though winning 18-0 would have been good. I might ask if sometimes I can play defense or offense sometimes though, I want to trya nd run a lot more and learn to play other positions.
I received the ball on my nose, from my own teammate of all people. By accident of course, I did not expert it. I am not certain to be human though since most people would have been bleeding, I did not. I don't think I have blood in my veins. lol
Yesterday was the drawing class I signed up for. I know what you will think, but you already can draw. True indeed but this class is different it teaches to draw from the right side of the brain, forget what you know and draw what you see, which sometimes I have trouble with especially when trying to draw hands. I can draw fantasy things because I can make them look any way I want, using my imagination, but when it comes to drawing something real I have always had some issues.
The class is quite interesting, it forces us to see the object as shapes, a bunch of shapes put together to create the said object. And it works! According to the teacher, anyone can draw and she tells us don't call it a hand, or eye or whatever the object is. Call it a shape.
Taking a drawing class also has gotten my creativity flowing once again, it has given me an idea for a painting, all I need to to find the time to paint. That is a whole other story.
Tonight I have volleyball. I quite loved the first game last week. The people are nice, and even though they are better than me and have been playing longer, they do not make me feel like I am not good. I still feel part of the team and allowed to try and if I miss it is ok. They gave me some good tips as well to improve. And I actually smashed the ball for the first time ever.
I am pretty good at serving I might say. Better even then the other time I played with the Alicats. I used to hit the ball over the net once and had trouble repeating that good move a second time, last week I was on fire! lol
I bought a wrist protector. It is just basically a cushioned wrist band that people can wear when they play sports, but I am hoping it will give me a little bit of protection until I learn to hit the ball properly. It is always the left wrist, the ball always ends up right on the bone on the side and it hurts. So I thought I would do something to protect my wrist.
I finished "the Sorceress". The third book of the serie by Michael Scott. One word comes to mind: AMAZING!
The story has everything, fantasy, based on historical landmarks and characters, adventure, magick, 21st century technology, etc. I love reading a novel and clearly seeing that the author spent a lot of time to do research and add some historical facts into his story.
I will review the book on my nerdfighter bookclub blog since this blog is just for quick updates on what I am doing or what excites me.
I just wanted to mention how amazing this book was. And that I suggest this serie to anyone who loves reading about magick, adventures, shadow realms, mixed with historical facts and characters and set in a 21st century environment.
And if you loved the Harry Potter serie, I do not doubt that you would get into this story as well. I am super excited to know that there is a fourth book being written. It is called the Necromancer. I can't wait.
In the meantime I have a lot of other great books to reads. I started Cathing Fire, the sequel to the Hunger Games. This two is an amazing storya nd the second novel is even better than the first. I have already read part one of this book. It is safe to say that I am devouring it, figuratively speakign of course. The story is quite different from Michael Scott novels but just as great. I highly recommend them.
I just picked up Dan's Brown new novel as well which came out mid September I believe. It is called The Lost Symbol. Ever since Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code I have been a fan of Dan Brown's novels. Well written, captivating to the end, for the first two uncovering some hidden truths about christianity and the church. The lost symbols has a picture of the white house on the cover, I am hoping it will have some truths and mystery abotu what goes on in the united states.
The book ended up costing me 14 cents. hehe. It was not really 14 cents, it is just that I had this chapters' gift card and the amount left on it since I bought catching fire with it, covered the price of the book minus 14 cents.
I can't wait to start reading it. I have way too many books to read and not enough hours in a day.
Ok well, that is about it for now.
I will see you later. I will not say tomorrow since I am not sure if I can stick to blogging every day.
Final Destination, District 9, Fantastic Beasts, Day Off and long overdue blog post
aliens, concerts, district 9, eric lapointe, final destinations, mes aieux, movies, summer 0Yes I know, I know, I am terrible at keeping a daily blog. Sigh. I had the same problem as a child trying to keep a journal and ended up with about 20-some journals half empty, I would go the positive route and say half full but really they were half-empty, I am not even kidding.
The truth of the matter is that I am not one who enjoys commitment that much. I mean don't get me wrong some commitments are good when it comes to love or employment but to HAVE to do something every day and force myself to do it is just not fun for me. I am a go with the flow or go with the wind kind of girl, I need to feel like blogging or feel like doing something.
So, on to my long overdue blog post. Last weekend I saw two movies. Final Destinations 3D and District 9.
Final Destinations was interesting. I must admit I am not the biggest fan of the series, at least not as much as Shawn (boyfriend), but I enjoyed it quite a bit. The fact that it was 3D was amazing, really well done as well. I am not a slasher or blood and gore film enthusiast but I like the concept behind this one. The killer is someone that you cannot see: the killer is "death". The introduction of someone having visions of future events taking place and using it to try and save people, though in the end "death" finds them and resets the order, I must admit is a brilliant idea. I did not particularly enjoy the 3D snake coming at me though, not a big fan of slithery creatures.
District 9 was a very different type of movies, about aliens and government experiments and cover ups and in the form of a documentary, I found that awesome. A very different way of telling the story but I think it works well in this case. They confined the extra-terrestrials to a district and you find out that the government performs experiments on them by killing innocent beings sometimes. I loved that they presented the extra-terrestrials as living like humans, families, addicted to a drug which in their case was cat food. :) Just basically living in a community as we do. They always portray, or most of the times at least, aliens attacking us rather than showing them simply as a different types of beings and also ready to help the person who used to not think much of them until he was beginning to transform into one of them.
Just before Final Destinations, I stopped by chapters and I found something that I had been lookign for... forever or at least it seemed as such. A copy of Fantastic beasts and where to find them by JK Rowling. When I finally held a copy in my hand, I was holding it with both hands going to the cash to pay for it, I was not planning on buying this but I just could not leave it there.
I absolutely devoured this book, figuratively speaking of course. The book as also sparked my creativity and gave me ideas for drawings as well.
And on September 1st, another book I have just been waiting for, for so long. The sequel of The Hunger Games called Catching Fire. I haven't begun reading it as of now since I am currently reading Michael Scott's The Sorceress, but I cannot wait to start Catching Fire. If you have not read The Hunger Games, I would highly recommend it.
I have a day off tomorrow, part of my vacation, I thought it is labour day weekend and a long weekend, why not make it a longer long weekend. I deserve it I think. Plus, it is also Gatineau Balloon Festival time with two amazing shows that I am planning to see. The first one being tomorrow in fact, the french canadian group called Mes Aieux will be performing of the opening day of the festival. I cannot miss this.
The music is folk music, they have taken of folkloric french canadian songs and gave it a more modern twist. They are entertaining and quite energetic.
The second show is Eric Lapointe. I have just been waiting a year, no kidding, to see a summer concert. Last summer he got sick and into rehab and had to cancel almost every single summer concerts resulting in a girl needing of eric lapointe music dose really badly. This will definitely be the highlight of this long weekend.
I am planning on going for a run tomorrow morning, possibly rollerblade as well, do some apartment tidying, get ready to get to the concert, will bring a book, drawing pad since I will be there when they open at 4pm insuring a spot in the front row. This is a must.
Saturday I might take a little road trip to merrickville, I love this small and quaint artistic town. I really miss it, I used to go at least once if not more in the summer and I have not lately. So this is also long overdue.
Times I have eaten corn on the cob: 4
Days left until the eric lapointe concert: 4
Book I am reading: The Sorceress by Michael Scott
I believe that is it for this long overdue blog post. I will not make any promises of a post tomorrow but I will try if I have something interesting to express.
Being pooped on, old carnival, weather network rant and 80s movies
bird poop, Books, corn, macbook, old carnivale, reading, road trip, summer, the sorceress, weather 0I had some plans, which anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really like set plans and prefer being spontaneous. Though I must admit sometimes, plans are necessary.
But with the weather (summer) we have been having I see the use of just being spontaneous. I had planned to go for a road trip to montreal, meeting my parents half way and go to this event called "la frénésie de la main" although I believe the name has been changed but I do not remember to what so I will just call it as I know it. Basically, they close down a part of St-Laurent street, this street used to be called "the main" as it was where everything happened, the main street. It is basically a giant sidewalk sale, you can find books for $1, unique article of clothing for cheaper than usual, eat may favourite: mango. Especially great on a sunny and hot day. They cut it to make it look like a flower. They usually do it twice in the summer, once in june and once in august.
Alas, this did not happen this weekend, because the weather network cannot predict the weather even one day in advance or a couple hours. I checked on friday and it was 95% chance of rain so I called my mom and we decided it would not be worth going since this event is outside.
I woke up sunday to, guess what, perfectly blue sky and sun. It stayed like this pretty much all day, some clouds but no rain at all. What was the 95% chance of rain, where did they get this from is what I would like to know.
On another note, one plan did happen. There is this old style carnivale event in Ottawa, which apparently I heard it is there every year but I had never heard of it. It is calle carnivale lune bleu. That is the site: It takes place from july 23 until august 30.
We decided to go check it out, it was amazing. We only got the midway ticket which was $15. That gets you on the site, you can check out the museum which wasn't all that impressive though, basically just pictures of old time carnivale, great but I wish there had been more. The snake show. I was a little apprehensive about that one since snakes are my greatest phobia but I am proud that I actually sat through twice and the second time right in the first row. They also showed a tarentula and a scorpion. All the snakes and spider and scorpion were venimous or dangerous if you wish. Although they were carefully and knew how to handle them to make sure nothing tragic happened, that is great.
And I actually petted a Python. was not the bravest person, but I did. I always thought snakes were slimy for some reason and was shocked to see it was so. They still will scare me but I am glad I conquer my fear, at least a little bit.
The midway tickets also gets you on the two rides they had, the feris wheel and the carousel. I loved it , it felt like we went back in time, old signs everywhere, old games which I tried once even though I know it is always rigged, but I had to try it just for the carnivale experience.
If it comes back next year I might save some money to get the other tickets for the main show under the tent which is $80. I am sure it is worth it though, lots of people lined up for it and no one seemed to come out and say it was a waste of money.
But nonetheless it was a great experience. Just for the old time carnivale experience and that we just went back in time. That was great.
Before we went to the carnivale we went for a picnic and frisbee at mooney's bay. Was great until a street bird decided to make me his poop target. What did I do to them to deserve this? :@ Grrrr.
Will add some pictures of the old carnivale, I still need to go take a night shot of the entrance which I planned to go last night but totally forgot.
Well, that's it for now internet. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Macbook pro fund: $2000
RRSP fund: $600
Times I have eaten corn on the cob this summer: 4
Days left until Eric Lapointe concert: 14
Book I am reading: The Sorceress by Michael Scott
My "church" and creepy old guy on the bus
Apple, creepy old guy, iPhone, iPod, macbook pro 0Everyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a church or religious person. But last night I went to "church" if i write it in quotes it is because it is not really a church only is one to me. Last weekend I was walking through Rideau Centre Mall and I happened to spot a giant glowing apple from the third floor. I thought to myself: "could it be, no way, it is, it is" then I ran downstairs as fast as I could and what I found was the best sight I could expect to see: an Apple Store right here in Ottawa. There used to be one when I first moved here 4-5 years ago but it closed down. It was one of the saddest days for me. So I guess you can imagine my excitement last weekend.
I absolutely love anything that has to do with Apple computers hence the reason I call this store my church. I literally hugged every single computer, ipod, etc. And told a couple people that this store is my church. hehe they probably thought I was nuts but I don't care.
Take a look at a picture of me the day I found out that the Apple store was at Rideau centre.
I got to see the new iMovie, photobooth, play with final cut express and final cut pro and I have yet to se what fmore final cut pro has to offer I am sure it does have more features but I think I would be contempt with the final cut express as I saw online for $150 more you can get it installed, not a bad deal, I will just save a little more that is all.
Now I am debating, when I have the money saved up for it, what I should get. A 15 inch or 17 inch. The 15 inch seems to be allright. I will see if there isn't such a big difference in price, what is waiting a little longer even if I so want one now!
I also got to see the new quarkexpress version, you will say anything you want but I prefer this over inDesign any day. And they also had installed the adobe design premium cs4 suite to let people sample it and see it a little. I am sure this works so much better on a mac than a pc, on my pc every program keeps crashing.
I didn't dailybooth or vlog from the mac store as I saw so many people do on youtube but I will, now that the apple store is in Ottawa.
I got to hold the iPod touch, they are so cool. Mind you perhaps I should save up another time and get myself an iPhone instead has the same stuff plus the phone. I know you can't use it as pay as you go but if the monthly thing is $20 that is what I have to do to keep my phone with minutes in it. I will have to look into that but for now, saving for the computer is priority.
On another note, something creepy happened on the bus. this creepy old guy I think he might have been lebanese, for some reason people mistake me for lebanese or spanish, anythign but french unless they hear me speak and I happen to mispronounce some words. ;)
But he kept looking, staring is more like it, and smiling at me in a very very creepy way. Thank god he got out at rideau centre mackenzie king bridge. I don't mind if a cute guy stares and smiles at me but that was just creepy. Does anyone ever have that happen? ewwww.
I love taking the bus and I know I will get a couple looks completely confusion when I say this as too why do you like taking the bus but I do except when creepy people are on it and keep staring at me and smiling as if to say you are cute, gee thanks but can you please go away, seriously. lol
Now I am self-conscious, wondering if I had something on my face or something. Or perhaps that was just a creepy old guy.
Well, hopefully I will see you tomorrow.
Macbook Pro Fund: $2000
RRSP savings fund: $600
Running and Breaking Dawn
eric lapointe, gatineau balloon festival, rain, Running, summertime, twilight, youtube 0So I went for a run yesterday, well I usually run for about 2 minutes then I walk a little before I start running again. It turned out to be 45 Minutes, not bad at all.
Last night I realized that my running endurance is getting a little bit better, I could run longer before resting and walking. That is quite good and I am quite proud of myself especially since I never have been much of a runner growing up and until just recently.
I must admit that it hurts my legs still but nonetheless feels pretty good. I also did some Wii active afterwards. Yes, I know I may be nuts. ;) I decided to try the 30 challenge thing and I am set to stick to this for the entire 30 days without missing a day. So far it is pretty good, getting better with the exercise.
I love Wii active, I believe it is better than the Wii fit since it feels as if you would go to a gym and have a personal trainer set up a workout program for you and the set of exercises changes every day to help you work every part of your body rather than simply doing just one type of exercise.
I love the fact that there is a journal and nutrition feature, where you can enter what you eat and it lets you know how much calories, I think since I have yet to explore this feature in depth.
Don't get me wrong Wii fit is still pretty awesome, and I will eventually get back to the yoga, I just prefer to spend as much time outside as possible especially since it has been raining so much, when I see the sun I want to enjoy every minute of it.
I came back and read more of the fourth novel of the twilight saga: Breaking dawn.
I have to say I do love the story, I wasn't entirely certain I loved it before since it is more about the love story and wished it was darker, but it is supposed to be a love story between vampire and human.
I think I have been trying to compare it to Harry Potter, which I should not, it is a totally different story and of course nothing to me will compare to Harry Potter but it doesn't mean other series are not well written. I still prefer JK Rowling's writting style but the twilight saga isn't so bad. The first movie however seemed too teenish but I have to admit it is after all a teen series. Who knows perhaps the next movie might have more of a darker feel to it.
I need to finish this book, there are so many books I want to read I don't even know where to start.
I am also reading a tiny little book I found at this old book store that rarely ever is open. Basically you have to pass by and check to see if it is open. It is called: the return of the little prince I believe. The sequel to "Le petit prince". I had no idea there was a sequel to this book so when I found it I absolutely had to get it, and so far I love this story, there is so much more to it than a kid's story.
As september approaches, the sequel to the Hunger Games should be out soon: Catching FIre. I cannot wait. This means another book I need to put on my list to read. And I believe Dan Brown will have a new book called the lost symbol if I am not mistaking coming out during september as well.
Also at the end of August, there is the gatineau balloon festival that I absolutely cannot miss since Eric Lapointe is back. I need my dose of his music, it is like a drug I tell you. lol. He was in rehab last summer and cancelled almost all his shows, I usually see him at least once in the summer and I could not last year so now I NEED to go. Can't wait for the end of august and at the same time it means summer is over, which is a little depressing especially since we had a pretty crappy one, with way too much rain. Hopefully fall could be a little better with less rain and a little sun, I need my dose of sunny days otherwise winter will seem longer.
I have an idea for a video, I wrote a little script as well, I just need to film and edit it. It has been a while since I uploaded anything on my youtube channel. Sadly. :(
Well I supposed that is it for this update.
See you soon I hope.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince *** SPOILERS ALERT, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE***
Books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, hogwarts, movies, reading, wizards 0So I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince this past friday. I was excited just like a kid in a candy stores, I actually brought my Harry Potter wand with me to the movie, wish I had my time turner but I forgot it.
I do not know if anyone is as I am but when I read a book and see the movie I somewhat except the movie to follow the book. Yes I do understand that scenes need to be cut out otherwise the movie ends up being way too long, however from the very beginning of the movie I wanted to yell WHAT really loud whenever I saw a scene that was completely made up and was not at all in the book.
I found it became a little cheesier with putting too much emphasis on the romances. Don't get me wrong I read the book and romance plays a bigger part in this one but I didn't like the way hermione ended up being more about love thinking more about that. I mean to me I always pictured hermione as the brains and know it all if you wish always being ready to help her friends and eager to hear harry's theories that something is going on at hogwarts, I didn't really see that in the movie as much as before.
They got the part of lavender brown falling for ron and acting a a bimbo, right on for certain.
The beginning started allright, showing that now the death eaters were starting to disrupt the muggle world and the scene of the unbreakable vow was dead on. Perhaps cut a little short but that is excepted, can't fit everything in a movie or else it would be too long. I expected helen bonham carter to be scarier perhaps a little as belatrix, I absolutely loved her character and how scared she made me in the fifth movie, however I didn't feel as scared of her in this sixth movie.
But all in all that scene was great and dead on.
I loved that they introduced us to Malfoy's mother, narcissa. I believe that is exactly as I pictured her to be. And of course Alan Rickman was great as usual as Snape, he really gets to make me hate snape, and at the same time crave for more scene with him in it.
One of the parts where I wanted to yell WHAT as loud as I possibly could was the scene where Harry comes in. In the book he is as usual at his aunt and uncle, in his bedroom. And dumbledore is suppose to come and rescue him this time to bring him to the Burrow (Weasley's house). But instead they completely changed that scene and we see Harry sitting at a train station and this completely unknown character is introduced, no one knows who she is, unrelevant to the story, perhaps they wanted to introduce the fact that they are growing up and starting to have teenage feelings.
In my opinion it would have been much more relevant for them to stick to the what was actually in the books. That scene didn't not add anything relevant to this movie except only to introduced the facts that harry has grown up and starting to have feelings and see girls in a different way.
The scene where dumbledore takes harry with him on the journey to recruit persuade professor slughorn to come back to hogwarts was accurate and funny as well. I like the actor they chose to portray professor slughorn, good choice.
The scene where Harry arrives at the Burrow, I supposed it was good though in the book dumbledore was there for a bit and talks to Harry before rather than ginny just discovering his belongings and screaming to everyone that he has arrived. Though it didn't bother me so much, the scene was cool.
Though everyone was supposed to be sleeping and mrs. weasly was greating Harry when he arrived, according to the books.
I am not so upset that they didn't put any bill and fleur delacour's scenes in it, not a relevant I think. That is a scene that wasn't too bad that it was cut out.
The scene in diagon alley I found was perhaps a little short. I absolutely loved the Weasley twins' joke shop. So much that I wish it existed for real for me to explore it.
I loved the scene where the three heroes go on their usual advaenture straying from the group to follow Malfoy, to find out what he was up to. That part was a little short and also I believe it came before they go to the twin's joke shop after they encounter malfoy and his mom at the store to buy wizard robes.
Though short I found that scene accurate and gave the dark mood that I so love to these films.
I absolutely loved that we see malfoy in a more important role rather than just despising harry but getting more and more into the dark side as I always pictured would be the type to do so.
Even if he wanted to avenge his dad or follow in his dad footsteps, as we know Lucius Malfoy was sent to azkaban prison. You would know if you read the books anyway. Wanting to move on to bigger and better things in his mind and carry on the job that voldermort asked him to do.
When they get on the train, we see hermione and ron sitting with harry as usuall but in the books they are supposed to do their prefects duty and patrol the compartments. And Harry ends up sitting with Luna and Neville and get his first invitation from professor slughorn to be part of the slugclub.
In the movie when he gets invited, harry is all enthusisatic about it while in the books it was completely the opposite, he tries to find excuses not to go until he can't find one when he is invited to slughorn's christmas party.
I do understand that scenes need to be cut off but in my opinions some of the wrong scenes were cut off and what in the world is that about, putting stuff that is not even in the bookss?
Or changing the order in which things happen.
And when Harry is discovered under the invisibility cloak that malfoy put over him because harry was spying on him and his friends to find out what he was up to. We see Luna discovering him when that is completely not how it happened in the books.
Tonks finds Harry not Luna.
All I want to say to the screenplay writer for this movie is: READ THE BOOK before you make a movie and make sure you understand it really well.
I personally think too much emphasis was given to the romances, a little is good but don't forget what this film is about, the quest to find voldermort and destroy him.
I am not certain since I am not finished re-reading the half-blood prince book but how harry finds out who the half-blood prince is wasn't entirely like it happened in the movie. They showed that he finds out after Snape killed Dumbledore but I believe he finds out before that scene, I cannot be sure until I get to this part in the book, in my re-read of the book though.
I am not certain either if the scene where Harry tries to get slughorns' real memory for dumbledore was quite accurate but again I cannot be absolutely certain at this point.
For example I am not certain that Hagrid was present for that in the books.
Oh and the scene where Harry appears as if he is slipping the felix felicis potion into ron's drink to make him think he has luck to give him confidence in himself. In the movie Luna is the one pointing that Harry put something in his drink while it was supposed to be Hermione.
I know it is minor details but why change them?
That I do not get. Just seems to me that some people need to read and re-read the books to get the facts right.
I loved the scene where professor dumbledore asks Harry to accompany him to get one of the horcrux and where Harry has to keep making dumbledore drink the potion to get the necklace as well as the battle seen where Draco is supposed to complete the task given by voldermort to kill dumbledore and you can see that he doesn't really want to do it but afraid that he willbe killed if he doesn't then you see snape step in and finish the task. as per the unbreakable vow instructed he'd look after Draco.
It does show that even if you think that dumbledore is all powerful and has no fear, he can also be vulnerable. And one of his flaws is perhaps wanting to see the good in people and trust a little too much, still keeping some suspicions.
As we clearly see he did in Snape's case. believing him but still refusing to give in the post of defence of the dark arts teachers until this very movie.
And also as we saw in the memories, he did the same for tom riddle aka voldermort.
It made me cry still when Dumbledore died, even if I knew from reading the book, it was quite sad. Dumbledore was one of my favourite characters.
But as with sirius's death it had to happen i believe. And Dumbledore teaching Harry all he knew and showing him all the collected memories in order for Harry to be able to survive and carry on the task of killing voldermort.
Almost as if he knew he did not have so long to live. And that it was time for him to show Harry everything he knew.
I loved when dumbledore showed harry the memory of young tom riddle aka voldermort, the actor playing young voldermort looked kind of evil to begin with and how dumbledore told him that stealing or bullying wasn't tolerated at hogwarts and he would have to follow the rules.
That was a great and also accurate scene.
I loved the scene when everyone was around Dumbledore raising their wands in respect although I believe there was suppose to be a white tomb and more to this scene but as it is always the case scenes need to be cut out, I understand this.
And from what I do remember, yes the kiss between Harry and Ginny was supposed to happen perhaps not as it was portrayed in the movie plus at the end if I am not mistaken, Harry was supposed to tell ginny that he could not be with her, because of the job he has to do now that dumbledore is dead and can't finish destroying all the horcruxes himself. And that he would only hurt her or something like that.
All in all the movie disappointed me a little bit or a lot rather. Despite the fact that there were lots that I loved and that were indeed accurate.
Perhaps it is just me, perhaps if you haven't read the book you will think this is amazing not knowing which scenes were completely made up as they were not in the book.
Perhaps I need to see this again to get the full grasp of what they tried to do.
I do not know. But I can't really say at this point that Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince was my favourite of all of them. I think at this point I have to say I preferred Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Sad to say, but it is the first time I feel disappointed about my absolutely favourite book serie and movies.
Almost makes me want to cry a little. I knwo I am silly it is JUST a movie after all, but it feels like it is more than that to me, I don't know if anyone understands.
What I expected to see or thought was really important was:
- Show that what is going on in the wizarding world also is affectign the muggle world.
- The unbreakable vow.
- Show Harry at his uncle When Dumbledore came to get him to take him to the Burrow.
- Dumbledore and Harry tryign to persuade Slughorn to come back to Hogwarts and resume his post as potions Master.
- More on Diagon Alley, the Twin's joke shop was great to see, keep that. I think harry, ron and hermione going to madame malkin and seeing draco and his mother would have beena good part to show since it gives a little clue about Draco's death eater mark on his wrist. And would explain why they decided to follow him and believe he was up to something.
- Get the story right, the person who found Harry under the invisibility cloak WAS NOT LUNA LOVEGOOD it was Tonks. I believe tonks is more important of a character since she is in the oerder of the phoenix.
- Limit the teenage lovey dovey stuff to a minimum.
- Show more of Dumbledore teaching Harry about the memories he has collected, and explaining more about the horcruxes.
- The battle scene… make it a real battle scene otherwise what was the point in draco's mission gettign the vanishing cabinets to get the death eaters into hogwarts if you are going to cut the one of the most important part. The climax scene.
- Dumbledore's funeral. Show way more about this, I mean he has been one of the most important characters into this in my opinion.
There were great things about this movie but it wasn't what I expected and I am truly disappointed.
You can make comments and share your opinions about what I said, I respect your views, everyone's views.
I mean I don't pretend to know everything or have the absolute truth when it comes to how the film should have been.
It is more what I was expecting according to what I read and re-read.
See you later,
The Hunger Games and jogwalking
Books, exercise, jogging, jogwalking, nerdfighters, reading, soccer, walking 0I am currently reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I had never heard of this author before but this would not stop me from picking up her book and quite enjoying it I must say. I like discovering new authors and I can say from what I read so far, I am two chapters away from the third part of the novel, it is very well-written.
The story depicts a US of the future where twelve district are controlled by reality TV. The Hunger Games feature glamorous opening ceremonies, sponsorships, personal interviews and end in a fight to the death.
Normally district 12 tributes do not receive much attention but this time it all changed when Katniss volunteers to take the place of her little sister Prim in the games and Peeta declares his loves for her during the interviews, possibly as part of his strategy is what Katniss concludes but as the games progress she questions her conclusions especially when he saves her life and by default betrays the career tributes with whom he made an alliance.
This book kind of reminds me of the show survivors minus the fight to the death part of course. I cannot say I watched survivor much, I started during the very first season but later on got bored of it. I am not one for reality TV. In fact I always say if you want reality, just get out of your house and you will see reality.
I personally believe that TV producers or writers have gotten quite lazy with all the reality TV shows out there. I gather the shows write themselves, no need to actually sit down and think up an original story. That is why my TV has been off for at least a year, save the occasional Family Guy or Simpsons episodes once in a while.
I must say, I have not missed TV that much, except perhaps for House, MD. The show is on mondays and usually I have soccer then therefore I cannot watch it. It's quite allright, I could just get the DVDs and watch all the episodes I missed. Quite frankly it will be better because there is no commercials.
I recently decided to try something new. Jogging. I should probably call it jogwalking in my case because, as I found out two days ago, I do not have much leg endurance. So I jog for a while and alternate with walking. It works and I like it.
I have a newly found respect and admiration for the people who do the 5k or 10k in Ottawa. Running is hard. Okay perhaps I am a whimp or just not in such a great shape. I am all set to keep this up though and am hoping it will give me more running endurance for soccer. I find, when I am not in the goal, I run a little and get tired way to quickly.
On that note, if you are looking for a great book which will keep you reading until the end for the summer vacations or just for relaxing after a long day at work, just go to your local boo store and pick up a copy of The Hunger Games.
(Don't Forget to be awesome)
See you later.
You CANNOT trust anyone in this world can't you? Sorry this is a rant.
ATM card, bank, fraud, Rant, upset 0This morning I walked to the bank to check my balance and get some money. I was met with the surprise that my card had been temporarily disabled. WTF was my reaction.
Now this blog will really be a rant as the name of it says. What happened this morning occured before as well, a couple months ago, perhaps a year. Last time I found out that my card had been cloned. When I got home today I called the information line for my bank and they told me that they suspended my card temporarily has a preventive measure, when they suspect that the card might have been cloned. That is great news as it stops possible fraud. They said that my card was part of a couple that were possibly cloned and that is why they suspended it.
Luckily, they checked and no money was stolen from my account. That is good news at least.
My rant is this, you really cannot trust anyone nowadays. One has to suspect everyone, you never know who will decide to mess with you or steal from you.
Okay perhaps I am exaggerating a little, there are a lot of people I do trust. But still people have nothing better to do than to try and steal. I work for my money, they should try and do the same to earn money rather than steal from honest citizens.
I have no idea why this happened, I heard sometimes one has to be careful when using the card and if the cashier takes it, and the machine is under a desk or somewhere where you cannot see, it can be a way that they can swipe it on another device used to clone the card.
I have been really careful lately especially after this happened once already. Everytime I use my card at a store or a gas station especially, I look carefully if they take the card and what they do. I watch them like a hawk. Of course something might have slipped from me, after all people who do this are expert and probably really quick.
All in all what this means now is that I cannot use my card until I can get to the bank and have it replaced, YET AGAIN! This better not happen a third time. But as the french saying goes: "Jamais deux sans trois".
I think from now on I will try to go to the bank and take out money rather than use my card. I like that because it can be more convenient, especially as there aren't many caisse populaire in Ottawa did you know?
Well there are some, but depends where I am. I guess I should learn to plan, ooooh I hate that word, it goes against my spontaneity. lol But regardless I will need to plan and take out some money when I think I will need some rather than use my card.
I suppose taking a 10 minute walk to Albert st Caisse Populaire ATM isn't that big of a deal.
I am someone who tends to think everyone has good in them, but now I am not certain. It takes a couple of sick people to try and clone innocent, hard working people's bank card just to try and steal their well earned money.
Okay well I guess that is about it. Sorry you had to read this, but I had to let this out.
Until later,
BEDA 30: Tha.. Tha.. That's all folks!
BEDA, Blog a day april, house md, maureen johnson, nerimon, swine flu, tv, VEDA, website 0Hi fellow bloggers and BEDAers,
Today is a sad day, the end of BEDA. Even though I didn't stick to it every day and missed some sadly, I am quite proud of myself.
I used to blog once a month perhaps if I thought about it or once every two or three months. With BEDA, it helped me to blog "almost" every day. I achieved the goal I set for myself, to blog more and thinking of writing down my thoughts of the day, what happened, opinions about news I read, books, etc.
All in all I am proud of myself.
I missed yesterday because I went to bed at 8:45pm. Yes I know that is early but I was tired and needed the rest, sometimes it is needed.
Moving on...
How about this swine flu? Wouldn't you agree that the media has this way of creating more fear and panic than needed.
Let me explain, I know this is serious and needs to be dealt with and contained before it gets out of control. By stopping trips to mexico for a while until they contain the outbreak, I know some people don't want to because it won't be good for their economy but if you think about it, it is quite needed. Otherwise the virus will spread even more.
I read online that this virus is not new, there was an outbreak in 1918 I believe, I can be wrong with the date and far worst than how it is right now. I saw 50 cases in the US, people who contracted the virus, didn't die from it and are being treated. I also read that the virus is not spreading as quickly as the media is saying it is either. And that the cases in the US, Canada, etc. are much milder than in mexico hence the reason why it isn't spreading as quickly.
It is always the same, there are a couple cases of a flu and the media blows it out of proportion causing more fear and panic and I don't know if it does that to you but every time I hear of symptoms, my subconscious tends to make me believe I might have the symptoms and end up fearing having the disease.
And that is one of the reasons why my TV has been off for months. The other being that I can't find one decent show that catches my attention for me to want to follow it every day. Aside from House MD, mind you I missed a lot of episodes since my soccer games are on mondays and most of the times at the same time as House MD. Boo.
Since this is the last day of BEDA I may not cross post to Maureen's ning, probably will still check the page and see if I have comments or people who added me, I love making friends so don't be shy add me as a friend and talk to me if you want.
I plan on keeping up the posting, probably not every day since summer is on its way and as you read on another post I set myself a lot of goals and things I want to do. lol But I will post when I have something exciting to share and talk about so you can check out my "real" blog. Like this isn't real, haha. I have other blogs that you can get to from this one (recipe, books) check them out too.
I also plan on using my dailybooth a lot more, picture a day with a haiku for the description. Check out my dailybooth:
I will try to update twitter as well more often, here is the link:
I am also planning on making and editing some videos, here is the link to that.
And also taking lots of photos, I want to take my camera every day with me and at least snap one picture a day. Well I know I will snap more but one good picture that will be worthy of flickr. You can check my photos but I am warning you, there is A LOT!
Well, that is it for BEDA, I might take it up again in august, it will work since august is the other month starting with "A". Who is with me? Will you do this in August as well. And this time I will condition myself to blog EVERY DAY to sort of beat my record. Big challenge now. Yikes.
If anyone wants to see what I am up to just check out the links above.
My last healthy tip of the month:
Include more fiber to feel full. Eat lentils, dry beans, peas, vegetables, fruits, brown rice, and whole grains.
BEDA 28: I think I just might stick to Wii Bowling
BEDA, bowling, maureen johnson, nerimon, VEDA 0Hi fellow bloggers or BEDAers,
Today I bowled! Yes you heard right I BOWLED. And no, not on the Wii. I went to a real bowling alley for the first time in what would be called: forever. And I officially found out that: I SUCK. lol
It was an activity organized by the technology department at the university where I work and since our department is joining them soon due to the faculty of medicine needing to cut cost back by 15% due to this recession, we got the news recently that we would be joining CCS. It makes sense since we are the technology department and CCS has a much bigger budget than the faculty and will be able to pay our salaries. Basically that it all it means since we are physically staying at the faculty and will offer them the same technological services as before. It also means that whenever CCS will have activities such as bowling or anything else we will be invited, that is kind of cool.
I went a little off track, yes I bowled. And I sucked. We played two games, the first I bowled 55 and the second 40. Miserable isn't it? lol It is odd that my first game was better, normally one would bowl horribly on the first game and do better for the next. I am Bizarro Nancy, like in jerry's (seinfeld) bizarro world episode.
I fact come to think of it I have always been the opposite of everyone. It is alright, makes me be different.
The last time I bowled must have been when I was 9, 10 perhaps. It was also not with the big balls but smaller ones, way easier if you ask me. The ball was too heavy I had trouble throwing it properly to get any sort of decent score.
All in all it was fun still.
Possibly had one of the greasiest pizza ever though, I think I must have gained 5 pounds, I MUST do my hour of cardio tomorrow morning. Can't expect much, the bowling alley was in the east end part of town named Vanier. Not exactly the best neighbourhood. I wouldn't expect much more.
Unfortunately I failed at starting to paint my eco-friendly herb garden containers but I will make this my goal for tomorrow. I can't wait to start planting and I plan to not let my herb garden die of thirst as it so happened last year.
I wanted to talk about something a little deeper, perhaps about swine flu or any other news worthy of blogging about, but quite frankly it is late and I am tired, I think I will wrap this 28 day of BEDA with my usual healthy tip and say goodnight.
Healthy tip of the day
Chew each bite 12 times. This prevents overeating by giving your stomach time to realize what you have eaten.
Goodnight and DFTBA
BEDA 27: Last soccer game and 33 celcius weather
BEDA, maureen johnson, nerimon, soccer, summertime, VEDA, weather 0Hello fellow bloggers
I know I am bad I haven't posted all weekend. It is hard to do BEDA and stay inside when the weather is beautiful. Saturday was gorgeous, I went back to a little park I used to go to rollerblade and read sitting under a tree. Had a picnic and played some frizbee with my boyfriend.
Until rain tarted to fall on us and we had to go. It is a funny thing because that has always happened in that area and when i drove back downtown, the park is in the west end, The rain stopped and it was beautiful again. There is something about this park clouds seem to form only over it for some reason.
Saw these guys, high school I am guessing, doing stunts on skateboards. Jumping on the rail and everything. One kept getting hurt and going back, isn't that stupid, I mean I don't believe I would try again if I got hurt, to be honest that is not something I would even thing of doing to begin with, but I suppose guys like to show off like that. ;)
Moving on...
Tonight was our last soccer game and ... we lost. :( I think I need to practice goalie more, I foudn this video on youtube showing how to properly stop the ball and I think I will try and practice this a lot more, I know what I am doing wrong, the ball always ends up going between my legs because I don't have the proper way to be a soccer goalie. Hey, it is my first time playing.
I never thought I would actually enjoy sports. I have never been one for sports before. Still afraid of the ball but I think I am getting better with that as well.
I had some good saves still despite the fact that we lost.
I will still play for spring soccer but this time it will be outside. Surely it will be different then benchball soccer (indoor). Looking forward to it. Might play some volleyball in the summer with the people from the team I played with in the fall, one guy said he was thinking of getting a net and setting it up at a beach and invite anyone who wanted to play. I think I would like that.
Today was 33 degrees (celcius). Sorry for anyone who are used to farenheit, I do not know what it is in farenheit. All I can tell you it was scorching hot. For april that is a record I think, for Ottawa that is. I so wished I was at the beach yesterday, swimming and enjoying laying down reading a book. I love summer. Though it isn't summer yet technically but it sure felt like it yesterday.
I wanted to go through boxes with my summer clothes and store my winter stuff, yes living in an apartment, one has to do this to save space.
Healthy tip of the day:
At restaurants, only eat half your meal. Ask for a “to-go” box when ordering, and place half your meal in the box.
This about wraps things up for day 27 of BEDA. See you tomorrow.
BEDA 23: Getting ready for new kids on the block day - april 24th
BEDA, excitement, maureen johnson, Music, nerimon, New kids on the block, VEDA 0Hello fellow bloggers
This may be a short one because I am tired and need to get some sleep.
So we are getting to the final countdown of BEDA, I am proud of myself for stiking with it, even if I missed some days. I might not blog EVERY day after BEDA just because the nice weather has finally arrived and I plan to enjoy that quite a bit, plus as I said in my next post, I have a lot of things to do for my self-betterment project and I plan to stick to that as well. Especially painting, drawing, guitar.
I thought since we are in the final countdown for BEDA, if you have any questions you could leave them in the comment and I could make a BEDA blog about answering questions, I can return the favour and ask some questions to help you guys find blogging topics.
Moving along...
Did you know that April 24 was declared, in Boston, new kids on the block day, a while back when they first were popular?
The reason I am bringing this up since they came back after 14 years, I thought I would do my part to celebrate new kids on the block day by ONLY listening to their songs for an entire day.
Before anyone says anything like: they weren't good, they are just a boy band, one hit wonder (though they had more than one hit for sure), or they were lip synching (not true), or anyone who liked them were stupid and didn't know music... spare any of those comments.
I was a fan and back then I couldn't care less what anyone thought. I am still a fan and loved that they came back after 14 years and I DO NOT care what anyone thinks. And will continue to be a fan and support the new kids on the block until the day I die.
I love the new cd, upbeat music, the song summertime is one that makes me want to take a road trip on a beautiful sunny day and just crank up the volume, windows rolled down and just have fun. I think they have grown as musicians as well, now they can write their own song not having to sing what the producer wants them to sing.
I went to their come back show in montreal, last september and the frenzy was still there, it didn't take a second after they got on stage for people to start screaming just like they did 14 years ago.
That being said, I recently found the new kids on the block ning network. WOW! So any new kids fans who are still fans and carry the boys in their heart to this day, I SAY LET'S BRING BACK THE NEW KIDS FRENZY OF 14 YEARS AGO.
What do you say?
I think they deserve it. As the song said: "the hardest working kids in showbusiness" even if now they aren't kids anymore, though I think they are still kids at heart, which I personally find great.
It might seem odd but when the news that the group was no more, I never believed for a second that it was definite. Deep down something inside me said: "they will come back, you 'll see". And THEY DID! I am so happy.
I know people might say I am silly for hangin' tough, hehe yes pun intended, but judging from the crowd at the montreal show, I am far from being the only one who were hangin' tough.
Check out the new kids ning:
They already have 49,414 members. Pretty good, I would say, for a group that just came back after 14 years.
And oh my Joe still looks amazingly hot! Sorry you probably didn't want to hear that. But I had to say. As you can probably guess now, Joe was my favourite. I went through a Jordan phase but too many people liked him and I ended up falling for Joe's beautiful blue eyes and smile. Plus he was my age, well he still is duh.
Healthy tip of the day:
Instead of regular sodas, drink diet drinks or water. The sugar in regular sodas turns to fat in your body.
This about wraps up BEDA 23. I guess I had more to say than just a small blog.
See you tomorrow.
BEDA 22: Happy Earth Day, self-betterment project and Yuk Yuk comedy night
BEDA, comedy, earth day, exercise, green, health, maureen johnson, nerimon, planet, self-betterment, VEDA 0Hello fellow bloggers
Happy Earth Day!
I have decided to look at the top 10 actions I found googling earth day to see if I am doing enough green things and perhaps pick one or two new things I can do daily to help the environment.
The things I already do:
1- Replace incandescent light bulb with energy saving ones. Most of my lightbulbs are energy savers but I will check and if they aren't replace them for energy savers.
2- Walk, cycle, use public transportation daily.
3- Choose local organic foods that are in season and support local food producers. I try to do that as much as possible and in the summer I buy my fruits and veggies in the market from local producers.
4- Eat less meat, well I already don't eat much meat only occasionally chicken. I think I do my part.
5- wash full loads of clothes in cold water.
6- I usually close the water tap while brushing my teeth.
Two new things to do in the spirit of earth day:
1- Use the dryer a lot less and try and hang my clothes to air dry as much as possible.
2- Make simple natural non toxic cleaners out of vinegar baking soda and water. I googled and found this link on homemade cleaning products useful for cleaning, I had no idea. I think I will start doing this.
On a related note, while bettering the environment is a great idea an dvery important, I also decided to start a self-betterment project as well. Which basically consist in taking better care of myself and my body in general, although I already do a lot but lately I have been a little lazy.
Things I will do or already do and will make sure I keep doing:
1- Drink green tea after every meal.
2- Eat more fruits and veggies. Eat at least one apple a day which is supposed to health speed up metabolism and therefore help in not gaining wait so fast.
3- Eat out less and start making more healthy recipes at home.
4- Keep eating at a slow pace to help the digestive system. And eat small portions.
5- Go to bed early to catch up on much needed sleep.
6- Do cardio exercise every morning (Wii boxing, Wii jogging, Wii steps, Wii hula hoop, etc.). Go rollerblading after work and walk home whenever the weather permits.
7- Do Yoga (on Wii) every night before I go to bed. To help relax and make sure I keep a good posture.
8- Drink more cold water to help in speeding my metabolism.
9- Finish reading all the books I have started. Hmmm this may be a lot but I am up for the challenge)
10- Get back to painting and drawing a lot more.
11- Grow my own herb garden. Or at least try again and make sure I don't end up killing it. I am bad with plants. lol
12- Practice guitar at least 10-20 minutes every day.
13- Try an just enjoy the little things in life each an every day.
14- Keep blogging after BEDA is over. I really do enjoy it.
15- Get back to writing some more Haikus.
WOW! I really do have a lot of hobbies and take on a lot of things at once. ;)
I think that is about it, that is a lot I think. I may add some more things if I have forgotten any.
On a related earth day news, I found this cool craft idea which goes with my growing an herb garden project.
It is basically recycling tin cans to make containers for my herbs. It is recycling and great for the environment and also a way to express creativity. I only wish I had seen this link yesterday before I threw out a whole bunch of diet pepsi cans (that my boyfriend drank while at my place), oh well I am sure I will get more than enough if I start to collect them from next weekend.
I can't wait to start my herb garden creative and environmentally sound project. I am excited!
Check out the link to make your own herb garden containers:
Healthy tip of the day:
Eat several small meals each day instead of three big meals. Your metabolism will stay high and burn more fat.
Going to Yuk Yuk's comedy night at Alcatel tonight. I don't work for Alcatel but my boyfriend's sister does and she got us tickets, $10 with a meal included, greek food. Must remember to eat slow and just small amount though. I am excited I don't think I have ever had greek food aside from greek salad that is but I am sure everyone has tasted that at one point of another.
$10 with a meal included is way cheaper than if we actually went to the actual comedy club, I think it is more expensive. Usually the stand up acts are pretty good, though last time there was one girl who was terrible, hopefully she is not there tonight.
Well this wraps up day 22 of BEDA Have a Happy Earth Day everyone and remember to be green.
See you tomorrow.
BEDA 21: Favourite childhood memory
BEDA, childhood, fun, maureen johnson, nerimon, rural, VEDA 0Hello fellow bloggers and BEDA buddies
I am excited today, at work I did the very last cbl of unit I. I know no one else knows what cbls are so I will explain. I work for the faculty of medicine as a web designer, or rather multimedia designer. I will spare you the long job title they gave us because that is just way too long to write or remember.
Our main job is to build e-learning modules (cbl: case base learning, SLM: self-learning module) for the students. We have been working non-stop and on very tight deadlines and today was the very last one for unit I. No worries next year it will start again with Unit II and they also have decided to change the unit I modules around, so we will have to do both at the same time. Fun. :( Hey, no complaints, at least it assures our jobs right?
My boss suggested perhaps all going for lunch and celebrate, I am all for that. I would celebrate with sushi, oh yeah, I love some sushi.
I was reading some other blogs and came across one where one girl posted the following question with her answer:
What is your favorite childhood memory?
I thought this to be a great idea and decided to share my favourite childhood memory with other bloggers and perhaps it will inspire other people to do the same and give them something to blog about for tomorrow.
My favourite childhood memory is basically all the summers I spent as a child. I grew up in a small rural area of the small town called Mont-Carmel.
– which makes you fat!
BEDA 20: sunny day boost my energy level
adam sandler, BEDA, exercise, maureen johnson, michael moore, movies, nerimon, VEDA 0Hello fellow bloggers
I know, I am terrible. I missed four days of blogging. :(
I will try really hard not to miss any more days until the end of April. Honestly I actually missed blogging. I got into this blogging mode and when I stopped I started to miss it.
This weekend was too much of a beautiful one, weather-wise for me to stay inside and sit at a computer. I took advantage of the sun being out to recharge my energy level.
Sometimes I can be quite the energizer bunny but lately I have been feeling a lot more tired and the sun is my energy level charger.
I also saw two movies that I have no idea why I did not get around to watching but I must say I am glad we rented them. Two Micheal Moore documentaries. Yes I know I SHOULD have watched them a long time ago, when they first came out. I missed the movies when they were in theater and never got around to renting them.
The first one was "Bowling for Columbine" and the second was "Sicko". The two were amazing. They both made me cry a little. Michael Moore surely is my favourite documentary filmmaker. I absolutely loved "farenheit 9/11". The documentaries made me cry but also laugh at times, more so at the stupidity of people, I cannot believe it. Especially at insurance companies in the US, denying people treatment or trying to find any possibly, as small as can be, loopholes to not have to grant the patients request.
I know that every country with free health care has its own problems but it is much better than letting innocent people die just because they aren't fortunate enough to be millionaires to afford high priced medical care. So essentially if you are American and by sheer misfortune you end up being sick and need expensive treatment for your illness, and are middle class or poorer, you better accept that you will die even if you have insurance. since people working for insurance companies are getting paid more if they deny more patient's requests.
That is sick.
Americans like to be number one for everything, why is it that they are not number one when it comes to free health care?
I also saw "bedtime story" with Adam Sandler. I love this actor so funny. I really enjoyed the movie as it reminded me of what I used to do as a kid, make up stories and invent a world of my own like this with adventures and fantastic creatures. I don't do it nearly as much as I should now being a creative person. I need to get back to this, perhaps it would help me find awesome ideas for paintings and drawings.
I am still trying to keep a good exercise regimen in order to lose the pounds that I have gained since christmas. I know I am not overweigth technically but I don't feel as good as I used to and last week I played soccer at lunch and realized that I WAS TOTALLY NOT in shape.
Healthy tip of the day
Go lean on meat. Buy extra-lean ground beef, chicken, or turkey. Trim the meat fat and remove the chicken skin.
Well that is about it for day 20 of BEDA.
See you tomorrow.
BEDA 15: The Perfect Reading Tree and The Sorceress on sale May 2009
BEDA, blog every day april, Books, maureen johnson, nature, nerimon, tree, VEDA, vlog every day april, walk 0Hello fellow bloggers
I went for a 30 minute walk at lunch today and found the perfect reading tree.
Yes I have a reading tree. Actually I have more than one. One in this little park in the west end, I rarely go there anymore since I moved downtown. Two along the rideau canal and they are weeping willows. And now one so close to work meaning I can go for a walk, take my lunch and sit under this perfect tree to read during my lunch break.
On another news front, I just googled Michael Scott, for those of you who would not know who this is, he is the author of a really great book serie. First book is The Alchemyst. Second is The Magician. And the third is The Sorceress.
Why am I so excited? Simple. I just found out that The Sorceress is schedule to be released May 2009!!!!!
I have been waiting for this book ever since I finished The Magician. I love this story. I think I got interested by this serie because of this sentence I read on the cover of the books: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. Ever since there was a mention of that in Harry Potter, I needed to read more books talking about this.
The Sorceress cover is release, check it out:
If you loved The magick of Harry Potter and fantasy in general, you will love this book. I totally recommend this serie of books to any Harry Potter fans or anyone who loves fantasy and magick stories.
I have this little application on my google page that displays fat loss tip of the day so I decided to share one every day right here on this blog. Thought I will call it healthy tip of the day.
Healthy tip of the day:
Drink 8 glasses of ice water every day. Cold water speeds up your metabolism while keeping you hydrated.
WOW! I can't believe I kept this blog every day April initiative for half a month already. Okay I admit two or three times I posted two blogs a day since I forgot the previous day or did not have time, but I am still proud of my accomplishment considering I blogged way less before.
See you tomorrow.
*Edit: A funny and weird thing just happened as I was writing up the keywords for this post. I was writing or wanted to write "walk" as one of the keywords and somehow without meaning to or noticing I ended up writing "haunted walk". Hmmm... was my subconcious trying to tell me something or perhaps it was just coincidence, funny how sometimes things like this happen.
Current weight: 107.4lbs
(though my scale early this morning said 105.4lbs, my scale is messed up, it kind of does not make sense to lose 2 lbs already only after one day of healthy eating does it?)