On the weekend of November 16 2007, Spent some time with Shawn again and quite enjoyed.
On the Friday we decided to go to colonnade pizza, he treated me, awwwwwwwww. We got a pizza half pepperoni and cheese, his favourite and half veggie. It was really good, can't believe this little place is so close to where I live and had never been there before. Shawn got a carrot cake to go and we shared it the next day.
Than on saturday it was my turn to treat, because I wanted to and also got him to try some different food, I found this recipe to make spaghetti squash and we made it together. It turned out to be good. Than we went to see Bee Movie.
This movie is simply amazing, I love it. Even more now that I found out Jerry seinfeld actually wrote the script rather than what I originally thought that he was just the voice of the "main bee" named Barry. True it is a cartoon but it is a cartoon for grown ups too, althoug I would see any type of animation. It had a lot of adult type jokes that kids might not grasp. Chris rock was also in it as the mosquito, He might not have had a big part but he will be remembered I am sure. So funny.
But after seeing it it was definitely a Jery seinfeld product. I think he has a future in this he is just as good as writing for a sitcom. I would definitely encourage anyone to see it.
When we came back to my place the funniest thing happened, well not that funny, we spotted my cat staring into my christmas village as if there was something, and ... there was. A Bee was there, I have no clue how it got there, or perhaps we brought back jerry (or barry the bee) with us after seeing the movie... hehehe Funny coincidence that we see Bee movie and a bee turns up at my place, still puzzled how it could have gotten in my apartment though.
On sunday I spent time at his place and we watched Hoodwinked aother movie I really wanted to see and never had. I loved the animation. We aslo saw Jurassic park, can't believe how many movies I haven't seen, I actually loved it.
And on monday night I also got to see shawn again, he told me on msn that he had been feeling sick and I couldn't just sit in front of the computer while he was at home sick and I decided to go visit him still, just because, I stopped at a convenience store/gas station to put gas in my car and brough a little chocolate for him and got one for me as well. We watched King Kong, I actually loved that movie, I don't know I always thought it might not be so great, but it was really well made, he said I made him feel better just by coing over t see him. awwwwwwww
Well, that is about it for now
Colonnade Pizza, Bee Movie and Dinosaurs
0Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Filming has Begun!
0I checked my email and what a surprise to find an email from 'my boyfriend' with a link about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie news. Just because he knows me so well and knew I would want to see this. Awwwwww I love you shawn.
They started filming the sixth movie!!!! I am so excited. And the tentative relese date will be November 21st, 2008. A year from now. Oh my how am I going to be patient all this time? I wonder. ;) There is also two featurette clips, and from what I saw, the sixth movie is bound to be as good as the fifth was.
And I knew Daniel radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron) and Emma Watson (Hermione) would be back. Read rumors that they hadn't signed on for the sixth and seventh films but come on they couldn't really give up on the series, it definitely wouldn't have been the same if they changed actors, people associate them as harry, ron and hermione. No one else could pull off the roles as good, would not looklike them. That probably was part of the problem, as actors theyy didn't want to just be associated in that role, but I think daniel radcliffe changed that a bit. lol
Check it out!
Quidditch: Now that is a sport I would definitely watch or play perhaps
Books, extreme sports, Harry Potter, magick, mysterious, mystical, reading, sports, wizards 0A while back I went to my favourite little old bookstore, close to the Bytown Theatre, and found this neat little book - related to the Harry Potter series - called "Quidditch through the ages".
I absolutely had to get it and read this especially since when I first started to get into the Harry Potter series of books and movies, and also when I first saw a Quiddittch game, I loved it. I don't know there is something about this game that is exciting. True it is a rough game and players get hurt quite a bit, but they are wizards, they can mend bones with magickal potions. lol That is one great extreme sport.
I loved the book, and loved it more since it has a seal on it marked "property of Hogwarts library". I kind of felt as if I myself went to Hogwarts and had borrowed it. And the names of the people who had borrowed it before I did.
The way it is written, you would definitely believe that this sport really exist and has teams all over the world who compete for the world Quidditch cup. I caught myself believing that it was an actual sport.
One of the Quidditch team they talked about in the book was the chudley cannons, they reminded me of the montreal canadians or the ottawa senators in the way that they used to be great and always winning the world cup and now they can't seem to win much anymore though the die hard fans still back them up, cheering them hoping for a win.
Hmmmmm... that sounds quite familiar. ;)
Anyways that is a great book. Small, easy to read and interesting especially if you are a Harry Potter fan and love odd sports and believe that magick is all around us and it could be possible that there exist a wizarding world where wizard all over the world would play Quidditch.
Dinner at Robbie's with someone special
anniversary, boyfriend, Breakfast, Cora's, eating out, ghost stories, halloween, Haunted Walk, Ottawa, restaurant, Robbies Italian restaurant 0October 25, 2007 marked the day of knowing Shawn for three months so we decided to celebrate by going out to dinner at Robbie's Italian restaurant on st-laurent. He loves it and used to work there as well. Funny that it is an italian restaurant as it is owned by lebanese people, but hey they sure know how to make great italian food.
We asked someone to take a picture of us in front of the restaurant, as a souvenir. And he said "you two would look great in any photos". Awwwwwwwww.
He treated me to dinner at Robbie's and in the morning I treated him to breakfast at Cora's I can't believe he had never been there, I believe he loved it. Cora's is one of my favourite restaurant for breakfast, because they pile up your plates with tons of fruits, and the fruit cocktail is to die for. Always get the strawberry banana one, who knows perhaps some other time I will try another one. Well actually I did Shawn got the raspberry one and had a sip, was pretty good too. No pictures, though I found this logo on google, because it was pretty much raining and as it is always the case at Cora's you always have to wait in line outside, that is how great the food is.
We both decided to have spaghetti and meatballs so that we could make spaghetti sandwiches hehehe and do as we both used to do as kids whenever we ate spaghetti. When I told Shawn I used to do that and he told me he always did the same thing, we were both amazed at that... almost as if we were destined to meet, a real soul connection, exactly alike in so many ways. That one thing is just one of the things we always did the same way growing up without ever knowing.
We carved another pumpkin as well, I found this little baby pumpkin and decided to get it so we could also carve it together. The design is a bat and I also added the words I love u to the back. Felt bad that our other pumpkins rotted so quick and had to be "put to sleep" hehehe so soon.
On Halloween Eve we saw each other again and went for the original Ottawa Haunted Walk. Basically you just walk with a group of people and the guide tells you all different ghost stories that happened to people at various landmark in the Ottawa region.
I love this I would suggest anyone to go see it at least once. The original haunted walk is interesting but I think the ghost and gallows - this one is only for a short period around halloween - is quite interesting as well. I took that one a while back with two friends.
The Best Surprise of all on Halloween
0Yesterday was Halloween, and I didn't really do anythign that exciting, just stayed home due to a cold. I needed to rest and also fix up the website I did for the office where my mother works.
I know pretty boring way to spend Halloween, but when you are feeling sick, you kind of don't really feel like going out or doing that much.
But, to my surprise, I got some unexpected company for a little while. My boyfriend was around where I lived as he and his family were at a favourite restaurant of theirs (colonnade pizza) to celebratehis parents' anniversary . Their pizza is really good, tasty I mean... though quite greasy so I woulldn't eat that every day as it is not that healthy but it is good I must admit. And out of the blue, he decided to come and see me for a little bit, his mom's suggestion.
No one has ever done that, come over out of the blue just to see me... well perhaps aside from my parents, awwwwwwwwwwww so sweet. I have the best and thoughtful boyfriend ever.
I love you shawn.
After he left I managed to finish what I was doing for the freelance web site I did for my mom, perhaps seeing shawn gave me the energy I needed becasue I figured what was wrong with the coding very fast. Now tonight I will do all the things I need to do, laundry, clean my apartment and get that out of the way so that I can spend time with shawn and not have to be stuck with chores, and finally will be able to start doing the things I enjoy,: painting, drawing, reading, yoga finally, etc. now that the boring stuff is out of the way not that web design is boring, that one is ok. And also start taking better care of myself to not be tired so much and think of a list of people I need to get a little somethign for christmas and go shappoing ahead of time to not be stuck last minute, I despise that. And I think soon enough I will start decorating for christmas now that halloween is over, I love to make a christmas village. And now there is a fireplace in my apartment so I can put my christmas tree in front and have more room for the village.
All right that is all for now.
All Hallows Eve is coming..
0Witches, wizards, ghosts, ghouls and goblins get ready, your day is approaching .
I love Halloween just not the commercialized holiday, that is why I prefer calling it All HAllows Eve, the right way to call the holiday.
In the spirit of All Hallows Eve, I had this awesome idea of what to do on the weekend of october 18th with Shawn. For one thing because it is close to All Hallows Eve and also because we are both artistic people... my idea was to carve some pumpkins, so Shawn came over and we went to get two pumpkins, one for each, and we found a design and carved them
Unfortunately all that is left of them are the following pictures since the pumpkins are dead now. I thought they'd last at least until this week or until halloween but I suppose it is food and rots quickly. Shawn carved an alien, I especially the extra touch he added with carving a little flying saucer shining a beam of light. And I carved a dragon face, mine was without a stencil as there wasn't a dragon in the book we got with the pumpkin carving tools, just drew it on paper and tried to figure out what would be positive and negative, wasn't the easiest thing as it was my first time doing this but turned out ok, next time I carve pumpkins I will be better.
We also made ourselves some egg salad sandwiches and had a picnic on the hill at mooneys bay where we saw a weird old guy who made himself a summer snowboardsort of say and went down the hill, he was pretty good though, guess he practiced a lot. Looked liek a huge skateboard except the wheels were bigger.
Took a bunch of pictures playing models. Take a look.
Scientifically Technological Outing - Saturday October 13th, 2007
1I visited the Science and Technology museum with Shawn, it had been so long since I went last time. I believe I was in sixth grade when I last visited this museum, we came to Ottawa with the class to see our penpals over in Gatineau and the science and technology museum was part of the things we did.
I loved seeing that with Shawn, some people would say this is a jkid's museum but it isn't, I love that it is an interactive museum, I didn't take any pictures since I found out I forgot to recharge the battery in my camera... d'oh. But Shawn did, photos turned out a bit dark since the lighting wasn't the best, I'll ask shawn to send me the pix and try and fix them in photoshop, work my magick hands on them. hehe
Shawn's mom had invited me to dinner, his family is really nice, we played this game, his sister's idea, where you have a card with a word and you have to find ten things that it makes you think of, pretty cool, not as easy as it sounds perhaps when you are timed in doing it kind of panic and can't think of even simple things. I loved the game it was quite interested.
We watched Saw III, well actually part of it since I fell asleep again, must be extremely tired lately I keep falling asleep.
Shawn gave me a present, dvd box set of "les contes pour tous", though he doesn't have to buy me stuff I already love him. I loved it more than anything as those were movies I watched over and over again growing up. My favourite always was la grenouille et la baleine, we watched that one and as I suspected I cried, these movies always made me cry, but with shawn holding me through it, it felt much better. Got him a little figurine of saw (Billy) I can tell he loved it.
On sunday he came over again, wanted to see poutchie, my parents cute little gizmo-like dog and went for a walk and got some A&W we watched a movie. We saw a bunch of zombies downtown, that was funny everytime we looked outside you saw people dressed as zombies, later on we found out there was an activity downtown called the zombie walk, makes a bit more sense. lol
I think I am getting into the halloween spirit more now just because he loves halloween. Can't wait to make smelly orange faces next weekend.
0Dragons are fascinating to me and have always been, take a look at what I found online about them.
Dragons are warriors for light (lightworkers). We are a collective of souls who service light. We can infuse our souls into bodies that are not dragon (human for example). In this way we can work for light and efficiently bring about changes. We work in teams, and often share our vessels (bodies) with other members of the kin. The earth's conscious is evolving, it has a race of people that need to make the deadline, and there are many of us here working to accomplish that end.
Do you feel like a dragon inside? Have you always been drawn to them? Does this world feel very limiting? Are most of the spirits you channel dragons? It could be you're a dragon too, or are very connected to the dragon collective. How we come into this world varies in so many ways, it boggles these brains.
Channeling them, Dragons usually appear to people as themselves. There are those times when they appear as winged humans, or something else, but for the most part you see them as they will appear as they would be in their own physical environment.
Dragons originated in a nebula far on the edge of the universe. We as a whole have been around serving Grace for a very long time. Most dragons don't have names; we are categorized by our color, which is the ray we came on. Most Dragons incarnated here came awake (on at least some level), or to be awakened this life. We've come in enough times to be familiar with this race. Some have a long history incarnating here, others just enough to get by (but then Grace always takes care).
One must gain the right to incarnate here, and gain the right to bring things here. To understand this race we've incarnated in a number of different "settings", both awake, and asleep spiritually. Understanding a race means to live the lives in the same exact manner they do.
I think it's interesting how many cultures of this race have integrated the dragon into they're lore. The connection to earth has been prevalent for quite some time, before humans were even here. Part of the reflective energetic qualities the moon brought to the earth, made the dragon’s part earth spirit before time existed like it does now. And therefore were included in "the great forest", as dragons. So when humans came, the dragons of course appeared to them. The earth dragon is still the embodiment of these earlier phases of the earth in relation to the dragon mind.
Living in the Dragon nebula (witch has evolved to a high degree of consciousness), is quite different from living on this planet (as it has been). Energy works on many more planes, and it's not uncommon to shape matter at will, hear all the thoughts of the collective at the same time, feel all the love at the same time, and many other things Grace has given. Dragons are androgens, and have no duality in the nebula. Our DNA is 12 stranded, and can be modified, as well can our shape. Dragons live upwards physically of 300 years, or more. Teachers raise dragons, not parents. There are dragons the size of planets, where I come from.
Dragons are always teachers of spiritual knowledge, and can be channeled by anyone who will listen to them. They love to tell you about every think they know. There're sticklers for "tests", and responsibility to Grace, and know many ways to get you to do the right thing.
The dragons are very inner-connected with all races. Dragons are always willing to help. Dragons put the will of grace before their own. There are many dragons here on all overtones of the 4th and 5th dimensions.
Dragons by Color (clan)
Red Dragons-desire, passion, fire, rage. These dragons literally eat darkness, and transmute it to light. Intensity is only matched by the amount of fire these dragons wield. To them energy is energy, food, grub.
Gold Dragons-The golden ray, the creative spark. They are the keepers of phi. They speak the language of the heart. Art and music are brought here by gold dragons. Gold dragons can be channeled for healing. See sacred geometry, and the golden means.
Silver Dragons-Reflection, they inhabit the meridians of the universe. These dragons come around when we look into ourselves. Perspectives are a good word for silver dragons, and they see every perspective from every reflection.
White Dragons-They maintain the purity of the collective, the grace connection. They often are guardians. These dragons can also be channeled for healing.
Blue Dragons-They are about the consciousness, communication, and mental awareness. They are also intricately linked with what illusion is, how to see threw it, and how to create it. There are many illusions on this plane, and the blue dragon can guide one threw them. There insight into the etheric plane, and how it moves and works, because it is one of the primary realms for these dragons to do their mental work.
Orange Dragons-The will is the color orange. These dragons bring in strength, confidence, and bravery. Fire dragons by nature, they move with quickness. They don't inflate ego's, they merely instill confidence.
Brown Dragons-Physicality, and all its properties. They are masters of physics, on all realities, from shaping matter (shape shifting), to gravity, and physical form. Sphere is a keyword to understanding the brown dragon.
Green Dragon-The planet dragon, or earth dragon. Material in a big sense, however green is the color of life in the big picture. Lessons of "the material", are a big part of the way they teach. I would categorize the earth dragon among these qualities as well.
Yellow Dragons-they get knowledge and information transferred. They are linked to the subconscious (but aren't that), and usually bring in the information that is needed from one side to the other.
Purple Dragon-The purple dragon, sometimes referred to as "the ancient one", is the embodiment of the highest level of the dragon collective (the wisdom). (The earth dragon also appears to me as purple, however many see green)
The purple dragon is many dragons. Once one reaches a high enough evolution, they become "the collective" (dragons). And all these consciousnesses are compiled into one composite that holds all the wisdom and knowledge of the dragons, and that one is "the purple dragon". The first time the purple dragon appeared to me was after I had realized I was a dragon, and I'd already met the earth dragon. It was when they gave me the rules of the purple cord that is attached to the top back of my neck. When we pose as humans (in these bodies), we are stuck in this brain, and have to be reminded what we are, and the "rules" we live by.
The purple dragon teaches us about the universe, the dragons, and Grace. The purple dragon is the embodiment of the 7th dimensional collective, in other words it is the highest evolved part of the dragon core.
Thanksgiving Weekend
0I drove down to Trois-Rivières, well actually Mont-Carmel for the long weekend, and actually for me it was an extra long weekend as I saved a holiday (one day) just for that I mean it takes four hours to drive there, might as well have an extra day.
Shawn came with me, I am so happy he wanted to and he was pretty patient too as the drive took longer than expected, we left Ottawa at 1:30pm close to two in the afternoon and we ended up getting stuck in rush hour traffic in montreal. I think we were stuck there 2 hours or something. Than more traffic jam around Maskinongé due to construction, we finally made it to my parents for a home cooked meal. Think he loved what my mom made and so did I., traditional Quebec meal, yummy.
It took a long time to get there but with Shawn in the car with me, it didn't seem as bad, ok I was tired of the traffic but knowing he was next to me, made me happy.
Normally at this time of he year I like going apple picking but we couldn't because it was raining, but showed Shawn around a little, Trois-Rivières, Shawinigan, Grand-mère... he met my aunt and uncle just because my aunt wanted to see my cat again. Everyone loves him, practically because he isn't your typical cat, much more affectionate.
Took a walk around where I grew up, we were followed by my parents little neighbour, think he was trying to stop us holding hands because he has a cute little crush, awwwwwwwwwwwwww... my fault for drawing a dragon and giving it to him. haha
Shawn somewhat adopted a little doggy that he called poopikins, the dog followed us everywhere we went after Shawn held her in his arms, actually got in my mom's car and wanted to go for a ride with us... so cute.
We went to my parents cottage as well, I mentioned to my dad that Shaawn told me he'd love to see it and they said they actually needed to go so we went on sunday, took some pictures enjoyed sitting on the deck close to shawn - my boyfriend - doesn't make me giggle so much anymore, perhaps because I love shawn more and more each day.
We watched, gremlins 2 and batman, well part of batman since I was so tired fell asleep but we watched it on sunday at my place. YAY!
My parents also left me some leaves to rake, I always love doing that, I know to most it is a chore but to me it is fun.
I will post more pictures on this later once they have ben uploaded.
I love you Shawn, loved that you came with me on the road trip this thanksgiving.
Beautiful Sunny Fall Day in Great Company
0 The last weekend of september if I can say it is september, the weather has been unbelievably gorgeous. On the one hand I love it has it means I can still wear summer clothes (skirts, shorts and tank tops, etc.) but on the other hand this scares me a little, the global warming effect I mean.
I spent saturday with Shawn, my boyfriend, enjoying the scenary of Hogs Back park and Mooney's Bay area. I still can't believe he has been living here longer than I have and just now has discovered the beauty of the area. But it can be understandable in a way, sometimes we always want to look onn the other side of the fence, the grass seems greener and forget to enjoy what we already have. I am the same way, grew up around trois-rivieres but I am sure there are lots of places that I have never seen and if someone took me there I'd say: "WOW! I didn't know that was here all along!"
The day started to be a bit on the cloudy side but mysteriously the clouds all went away to leave nothing but blue sky. Something we always started to do whenever we get together and want to enjoy a day outside is make "OUR" usual wish for a beautiful sunny day and quite magically the clouds always disappear and we have both noticed the sun tends to shine brighter whenever we get closer.
Now I have always been a firm believer that there is more to life than we really see and that there is magick all around us as we always tended to believ when we were kids and lost that as grown up and dismissed it to childish behaviour and with the latest events I must say it reinforced my beliefs in magick being all around us.Perhaps it is love or the power of two hearts coming together that can make things happen and somewhat control things we always thought we could not control, perhaps it is the stronger belief we both have that makes things happen or we each have that special power and when we combine it it becomes strong enough to make these things happen... it is a bit freaky but at the same time exciting. This tells me we were meant to meet at this time in our lives and experience something like this.
Anyways, the day was amazing... nice long walk at hogs back park, a picnic on the rocks of hogs back falls, taking lots of pictures, feeding ducks and geese and me doing my part for the environment and being my treehugger self, picking up after some people who proudly litter... I know lots of people would say what is the point in me picking up the garbage and putting it in the trash when no one else does it, but I do believe that the small actions one person does do make a difference even if it seems pointless at times, and just think if everyone picked up on thing and put it in the garbage can, the planet would be able to breathe better and would thank us for it.
Ok perhaps I am an idealist. But I do believe it.What I love most about the day and about Shawn is that for the first time in a very long time, I feel I can truly be allowed to be myself and act as a kidif I want to and have fun rather than always have to worry that I may be embarrassing someone if I act like true self as it was the case with kary... if I look back I believe I always was afraid to be myself and never really had that much fun, always worried if I say this or do this I will embarrass him and I now realize, thanks to Shawn that this isn't how it is supposed to be, doesn't help one grow at all on the contrary it stops one from growing and enjoying oneself.
ok well that is about it for now, until later you can check the rest of the pictures from Hogs Back park HERE.
Photo Contest - Rate my Photo
contest, ducks, nature, Photography, plants 0I found this site to upload photos, there is a chance to win $10 000... who knows.
Just uploaded a photo for the contest, check it out! And vote for my photo.
And the Winner is...
I also found out I had posted a photo way back and if I remember correctly I received a letter telling me they really loved the photo, but thought it was a bit of a scam because they ended up sending me stuff to buy the book that supposedly my photo was on... I don't know if they still put my photo in the book. It didn't win money but being featured in their book was a consolation prize I suppose, I remember thinking yeah right, bet you there was no winning money, they just wanted to get people to send money, perhaps not. But my photo is still on the site. WOW! A photo I took, and I am not a professional photographer but love photography a lot. Check it out!
Here is the site to submit your photos:
picture.com Photo Contest
Friday: Dinner at Shawn's and Movie,. Saturday: Hanging Out with Anna and Nick. Sunday: who knows...
0on friday I was invited to dinner at Shawn's, his mom made dinner and I was really good, she really went all out. I especially loved the potatoes, spicier than she planned but still great. We went to see Mr. Bean's holiday in theatre as we planned, well technically we planned it the weekend before but we missed it so we decided to go on friday.
There wasn't a lot of people in the theatre, perhaps because the movie was at 9pm everyone might have gone earlier or maybe it had been in theatre for a while already, everyone had seen it.
Despite some of the people in the row behind us who said "finally it is over" when the movie ended, I really liked the movie. I guess you have to understand and like british humour. I especially loved the ending, everyone coming together... and the message of no matter who you are, what nationality you are or which language you speak, it doesn't matter people can understand each other and actually find affinity. Who says we all need to be one way or speak one language or look a certain way to be accepted and liked?
The world is made of a lot of different people and we should all embrace our differences and want to give everyone a chance to get to know them rather than push some aside just because they don't look a certain way or speak the same language oract weird or funny according to our close-minded personalities sometimes, otherwise we might be missing out on a lot of friendships and good times.
We went back to his place and we watched yet another movie... Saw II. Think I dosed off a little though... oops. But I really loved the movie and no shawn not only because donnie wahlberg was in it, though it was a a good thing. hehe My love for new kids on the block comes back. I was quite happy to see he actually got a better role this time, one that doesn't end up make him die so early in the film, he actually survives. Guess he finally made it in his movie career and a great film too.
I love the message of the movie as well.. normally I wouldn't like all scary movies just violence for violence sake or blood and gore... but this one has a very good message. The importance to appreciate your life and what you have because you don't know what will happen the next day, could be taken away like that.
That is what jigsaw's game is about, the people playing his game who appreciate their life survive the game the others ones do not.
The lesson for all in this is learn to appreciate what you have every day, and appreciate what you have because it could be taken away just like that, you can never tell what the future has in store.
we fell asleep next to each other and in the morning, his mom and sister made breakfast, was really good. His family is really nice, I especially like his dad because he agrees with me that peanut butter is great, and peanut butter and jelly, and peanut butter and banana are great too... hehehe
They all are really nice.
we went to walk and play fetch with missy before heading to my place, well technically to blockbuster to meet anna and nick and pick some movies for us to watch.
We came back and made two pizzas: onion olive pizza and bbq pizza, it was yummy and even better because we all actually made it together rather than store bought.
We watched pan's labyrinthe, shawn and I's pick, even though we both had seen it before, we wanted to watch it again. I must say this movie is amazing, I must buy this one and keep it in my collection for sure, a fairy tale for grown ups, I love the message and the faun was beautifully done.
The movie anna and nick picked was good, judging from the cover it looked really good, except as we watched in the fight scenes you could actually tell they were hooked with cables, you could actually almost see the wires holding them wheenevr they made the moves. The story was good but wow they could have done better in the other area.
But all in all if was a good time with shawn and friends. It feels amazing to be able to call him my boyfriend, although still feels odd because I never have had the opportunity to call anyone a boyfriend, not used to it. Yet it feels amazing and especially to know that if I invite him, he actually wants to spend time with me but also with my friends and not just hide me at my place like KM did.
We also spent sunday together, we fell asleep after I dropped off my friends at their place, listened to the rent cds and other cds shawn made for me which I love more than anything. We went for a walk in the afternoon, grabbed some quiznos subs and ate them under a tree next to the canal. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
We came back to my place and watched Annie and then had to say goodbye as he needed to get back home for dinner with his family.
That part is the hardest. :( I love you shawn.
Well that is about it, if I think of something I missed I will edit later.
National Art Gallery Date with Shawn
Last Saturday I went to the national art gallery with Shawn, what we originally planned the previous time, but that and tplaying with Missy, and more was a bit too much and we didn't have time to go to the national art gallery so we decided to go last weekend even though my parents were here helping me paint my apartment walls, well technically they painted, *shame shame*. Couldn't have helped that much as sometimes too many people can get too crowded.
Plus my parents said it was ok to go spend some time with Shawn, awwwwwwwwwwwwww. They must know I am a lot happier now thanks to him after what Kary did put me through, well I guess partly put myself through as I could have woken up and stopped wanting to spend time with him sadly I did not, kept thinking perhaps he isn't that mean or not the type to use people... love is blind as they say.
Shawn finally came over and "met the parent" I could tell he was a bit nervous but I believe now he knows he had no reasons to be nervous. We went for dinner at swiss chalet... Mmmmmmm swiss chalet, I think I like it better a bit than st-hubert though st-hubert has some things I really love like the bread and the coleslaw, the chicken isn't bad either.
In the evening we headed out to see Mr. Bean at the theater, stopped at Shawn's so he could change, can't believe he wore summer clothes and it was so cold, kept worrying he would freeze. But it ended up being too late and missed the movie so we watched the first Mr bean at his place instead. Yay!
The amazing thing that always happens when we are together happened again... kind of freaky. We always make this wish that the sun comes out when we see it might rain and so far our wishing together has worked everytime and at the museum everytime we got close the sun shone brighter.
I am telling you there is some kind of stronger power that I can't quite put my finger on.
And again he came over sunday to say goodbye to poutchie and we watched a movie at my place this time. Watch Saw, horror movie, normally I get scared and don't like violent movies but this one has a clear message in it... I love those types, though still cover my eyes when I see something spooky. lol
I am whimp I know.
Ottawa Museum of Nature Date with Shawn
I can't believe I have been in Ottawa for 4 years, close to 5 and had never seen the museum of nature. I suppose it took meeting Shawn to actually get myself to go see that museum. I love it. I especially like the architechture of the building, castle-type building, and you all know how much I love castles or anything that has reminds me of Harry Potter movies. haha
And we posed with the Dinosaurs statues in front of the museum.
We also stopped by at my favourite candy store, sugar mountain, I know I know I am such a kid... especially when I get into that candy store. Got soem sugar mountain candy, one of us more than the other, you know who you are.
Went for a long walk along the canal on a beautiful summer-like day in septembre... can't believe the mid-july summer weather we are having, well actually I can, it is due to global warming, it is nice in a way but scary in another.
Went back and watched soem movies and played with his very cute dog Missy. Awwww Missy I miss you lots.
That is about enough for now, need to get to work.
I think I am in love.... with Youtube. hehehe
0I believe I just now discovered youtube FOR REAL not that I didn't know it existed before but wasn't a big youtube person.
I just found so many songs/videos of singers or bands I liked,... the new eric lapointe song with dennis deyoung, daniel boucher, la chicane, etc., I love this song so much.
Take a look:
Ooooohhhhh MacBook How I loooove you
0I am so excited I am getting a sweet sweet macbook to play with and test drive and familiarize myself with making podcasts.
Well basically I am going to play with the macbook all weekend.
Whooooo hoooo! Happy me.
Funny Survey
0- YOUR SPY NAME (middle name and current street name)
France Deerfield - YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME (grandfather/mother on your dad's side and your favourite candy):
Yvonne Jelly Beans - YOUR RAP NAME (first initial of first name and first three or four letters of your last name):
NHeb - YOUR GAMER TAG (a favourite colour, a favourite animal)
BlueDragon - YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, and city you were born in)
France Montreal (Yes I know it sounds like the name of two cities hehehe) - 6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (first three letters of your last name, last three letters of mother's maiden name, first three letters of your pet's name)
Hebiergar - JEDI NAME (middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards):
ecnarfreihtuag - PORN STAR NAME (first pet's name, the street you grew up on)
Cafe Second (ok that sounds weird I give odd names to my pets LOL) - SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favourite colour and the automobile your dad drives)
The Blue Saturn - YOUR ACTION HERO NAME (first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Rhiannon Broccoli Soup
What does my birthday mean?
0July 10th
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.
Your strength: Your ability to gain respect
Your weakness: Caring too much what others think
Your power color: Orange-red
Your power symbol: Letter X
Your power month: October
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Walt Disney's art at the Beaux Art Museum of Montreal
0Oh my god I am so excited about an exhibit I heard is at the Musee des Beaux Arts of Montreal...
Everything Disney, all the art, paintings, drawings etc. Check out the site:
Il était une fois Walt Disney
It runs from march 8 until June 24 2007... Being a Walt Disney and artist loving to draw and paint and so liking anything animation-wise...
I have got to take a road trip and go to Montreal to see this, DEFINITELY, before the end of this exhibit.
I just heard about this on tv today and I haven't been wowed and interested in something as much as this.
I WILL make it a point to see this, I HAVE to now.
Movie Review: The Last Mimzy
0I saw this amazing movie last night called the last mimzy. I had been wanting to see it but little did I know I was going to love it as much, at first I thought I'd like it because I am a child at heart and it is somewhat a kid's movie but I found that it is much more then that.
All the symbolism and links to alice in wonderland which I also think there is much more to this story than a child's fairy tale, the links to open people's eyes, not only kids I am sorry every adults should see that in fact adults are the ones who should see it because they are the ones who have forgotten and confirmed to life on this plane and forgotten their soul self, essentially has been polluted by all regular daily life and what other people believe and think... as the little girl in the movie I always have found myself being different and not quite fitting in and now I know why because I am different and follow my heart and beliefs and do not want my soul polluted and fight with trying to keep it pure in a way.
I always have believed that there were more to life than what we see and this movie actually has confirmed my thoughts and beliefs on that and also gave me one more reasons to research mandala paintings and the meaning of them as well as palm reading, tarot, etc.
Lately I have been letting my soul be polluted with trying to fit it and be like everyone else going against what I always believed in and stopped following my heart, soul as I always have done not wanting to follow others, refusing to be a sheep and like everyone else and I do believe that is why I stopped painting or haven't felt like I have been painting and drawing with my heart and soul and haven't really been able to paint dragons there is a reason why I always used to paint dragons not because it is pretty or on a superficial level but because that is my soul.
I have let some people lately try me and make me want to conform and be like everyone else to the point that I have become jealous of certain people and wished I wasn't myself or so different but why wouldn't I be? So I am different and I know more than most people, I think I may have had more than one life so far and in truth I always felt that, I believe that is why I always have felt like an outsider and as if I didn't really fit in and refused to fall to peer pressure and always set out to follow my soul and beliefs of my own.
This movie also reinforced the thought that we all are balls of light born on this plane to experience things that help our souls grow and become better people, more enlightened, and we are there to follow our path to an enlightened soul and as long as our soul hasn't reach that ultimate goal it is the reason we come back again and again. I know most people would think this is crazy or weird but I say why do people are so keen to call these these weird?
Simple we all call things we don't know weird just because we don't know or are afraid of them or finding out.
Like in the movie the parents were afraid and thought they needed to seek help when they found out their children found this box from another dimension with strange toys and little bunny rabbit, the fbi thought them dangerous and soon found out that it is because on this plane we are thought to believe that anything that is different, doesn't go by the book or follow specific rules and guidelines is ultimately weird, dangerous and strange.
The movie also reinforces my beliefs that there is more to life than what we see as in there are other life forms in the universe and we are not alone and we cannot communicate with them because we aren't as advanced as they are or our souls aren't as pure... the last mimzy was sent on this plane because they needed the help of this race and do you know what they needed? Something in their genes, not something technical, technological, but...
a simple tear from a pure soul, a soul not contaminated and polluted yet by our race and beliefs and who was different from others (the little girl).
I also saw myself in that little girl when she mentioned no kids talked to her because she was a certain way, liked certain things, didn't confirm and felt like she didn't quite fit and was different.
And like at the end of the movie when the teacher from the other dimensions, school is set outdoors and all the kids go back flying... I do believe we all are able to fly like that, as in the peter pan story we just have forgotten how to, our souls have. If one thinks about it we all are balls of lights and are born and come to this plane to learn and experience things and we all try to fit in and forget our souls and just become physical beings.
All in all I do believe I will buy this movie when it comes out and watch it over and over again, not because I am a kid but because this is more than just a story, there is so much more told in this movie, that I gather most people won't see it entirely but I believe everyone should totally sit down and think and try to see the deeper meaning.
Totally amazing and I am not ashamed to say that I loved it more than I even thought I would.
Go see it, but see it with your soul or the kid inside you, it is entirely worth it... worth the $10.
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel
0This is the book, read: one of the books, I am reading at the moment and I must say I find it quite the interesting story. A friend read it and she made a suggestion, a while back, that I should read it and would enjoy this book. I had totally forgotten about it until I stopped by that little old bookstore next to the Bytowne Theatre to obviously get some other book, read: books hehe being a bookworm it is quite hard not to go into a bookstore and buy books, when I came across this book and remembered her suggesting I'd pick it up.
Now I can't really review it since I just started it but I must say so far it has kept me reading, talks about a nomad tribe in search of a new cave, place to live, due to a catastrophy and a little girl having lost her tribe and being adopted into the clan to the dismay of certain members and the joy of others. A big part of why I like it so much is that it has the magical aspect to it, not in the sense of people wearing pointy hats and waving wands but the "real magick" the one that is all around us, the spirits that guide and help us through life, good and hard times and how we need to thank them and be good to them to not have bad karma... not entirely sure if I believe in karma that way but I do believe there is more to life than what we see...
The little girl is so extremely different and has such a powerful totem that normally women of this tribe don't have that it creates frictions with other members and some wonder whether she will mate because in this tribe according to the members women are not allowed to have more powerful totems as the men... I guess you can relate it to real life and some guys who still won't admit women are allowed to be equals sometimes for certain things.
Anyways, I will keep reading and add my review of it later, which I am sure will be great. Meantime, so far I would recomment it to anyone who loves to read and ha that belief that there is more to life than what we really see.
Book Review: Les Filles de Caleb
0Quite some time ago, well actually when I was in high school this series of three books came out. Though at the time I thought there only was two books and recently discovered the third one. I read and also watched the miniserie called Les Filles de Caleb. This is the story of basically three generation of really strong women who always knew what they wanted in life and despite having to struggle with the time and constraints and people telling them you should do this and that as this is the proper way for a woman to act, managed to realize their dreams and stick to their beliefs never to let a man tell them what they should do or how they should act.
The first story, le chant du coq, is about Emilie, Caleb's very strong-willed daughter, whom at his greatest fears (to be edited when I find a better word for it) sometimes thinks she is too stubborn and will never find a man to marry and have a family as at the time, beginning of 1900s that is what women were supposed to do but Emilie always has in her her to continue her education and become a teacher which was frowned upon for girls of that time and as the first of a generation of strong-willed woman she does and proves everyone that women with enough determination could achieve any of their dreams. Truly inspiring in my book. So we see Emilie more to St-Tite from St-Stanilas - two small village close to Shawinigan I guess I should mention that town as most english speaking people know of it from a certain prime minister who had trouble even speaking in his own mother tongue haha - the two villages nowadays are in fact very close by but in those days or horses and carriages it was quite far. Anyways she moves to St-Tite to become a teacher in a small village school she is about 18 at the time if I remember correctly, still quite young but in those days I suppose it was old... she ends up falling in love and marrying one of her students he was the same age as she was, if you remember in those days only boys more proned to continue their education that is why he was in her class, he left school obviously as he was frowned upon for her to be with him and be his teacher as well. They have a rocky relationship and obviously in those times women popped children like there was no tomorrow, yikes. And he always kept leaving her with all the burden of the family and disappearing for very long periods of time to go work in the woods, he had the call of the wood as you can say it and coming back making her another baby and so on... despite all this Emilie being a strong-willed and determined woman continued teaching and taking care of the house, kids by herself most of the times. At one point she finds out Ovila (his name) is in Shawinigan as the town was booming at that point and decides to pack everything up and move their and force him to take care of his family which took quite a bit of courage on her part and yet she still had to be stronger than anything all through her years. She loved him sincerely and dearly but he used her quite a bit as we could say nowadays and in those days it was frowned upon to divorce or leave him once married.Le cri de l'oie Blanche is the story of her daughter, another very strong-willed woman with dreams of being a doctor. As her mother she faced, due to the times she lived in, with the remarks of everyone telling her that it wasn't seen and done for a woman to become a doctor and pursue a career but as her strong-willed mother she persevered no matter what everyone said to discourage her. She studies to be a nurse in Montreal because obviously she wouldn't be accepted in the medicine program to become a "real" doctor and ends up being a doctor moving north (Abitibi) were only men were there to work in the (chantiers - sorry I can't find the right english word at the moment) and she moves there by herself to be a nurse as obviously that small retreated village needed someone to care for patients and the women giving birth rather than have to go far away to see a doctor, so in a way she realizes her dream and goal of being a doctor though no one really recognizes her skills and still treat her as a mere woman and not as an equal to men... sadly I think this can still exist even nowadays and that pisses me off sometimes possibly because I too come from a generation of strong women. You can say this story is a little the story of my grandmother, mother and myself as well as I am sure a lot of french-canadian people can see themselves in that story which makes it a truly well-written and researched story. Thumbs up to the author: Arlette Cousture. It is a true story with a little bit of fiction in it as it is the case for every book written. Anyways, Blanche meets the man of her dreams and marries and unlike her mother only has two children, two daughters and two very strong-willed daughter as well, obviously a family trait.
I love this story because you can truly see the differences but at the same time similiarities of all these woman in which they fight to be themselves and realize their goals and dreams despite whatever anyone says or tells them they shouldn't or it isn't proper or good. I prefer the term strong-willed rather than stubborn but I suppose there is a lot of stubborness in all of them. haha And you can truly see that each generation did a little bit better and got a little bit more successful in achieving their goals as the other... I guess you can say this is a story pioneering feminism in a way and women standing up for themselves and what they believe in. I guess that is why the books were and continue to be so popular and why any woman and man should read them.L'abandon de la mesange is the story of Elise mainly, her sister too but mostly Elise, Blanche's eldest who has the dream of a country life having lived in the city all her life, I suppose you could say the grass is greener on the other side of the fence... she too is very strong-willed or stubborn, at her mother's desperate tries to want her to not make the same mistakes but as it is always the case everyone needs to live their life and make the mistakes in order to learn and grow... she too has to go through a lot of pain and criticism and being told you cannot or should not do this mainly her mother and sister telling her she shouldn't go back to the way it was for women and women have come too far to be regarded as somewhat equals though still not exactly equals even in those times... but the stron-willed read: stubborn if you wish, elise is determined to realize her dreams and live in the country and have a family rather than study which is what Blanche and her husband Clovis set money aside in order for their daughter to not be dependent on a man... but she learns by her mistakes and having fallen in love with a guy who essentially ended up being somewhat like her grandfather Ovila, Blanche is devasted to see that her daughter chose this path for herself but as it is the case with life knows Elise has to go through this to learn and grow.
Anyways that sums it up... if you understand french or I believe it was translated I would definitely recommend this serie of books to anyone women and men as well. This is part of the french-canadian culture and I believe will remain that way for years and years to come.
Truly amazing read.
Bon Cop Bad Cop by Eric Canuel
I already saw this movie twice once with a certain someone that I supposed I was dating still a bit confusing on that one has he ended up lying and pretending a lot and last saturday with anna-marie and Nick. I had to see it again for one thing because I could get to see the Tattoo video on the dvd by one of my favourite Quebec artist: Eric Lapointe and two ever since I found out it actually won a genie.
I would say if you understand french you can probably like the movie a lot more aas well as if you understand the Ontario-Quebec differences and politics or else if you are english and just like to hear french people swear. LOL there sure is a lot of that in this movie, you can also learn to conjugate the swear words and all their uses. hehehe
All in all great movie and totally worth seeing. Check it out!
Bon Cop Bad Cop Synopsis
Sore Feet and The Green Door
0The title sounds like a fantasy story doesn't it? Sore Feet could be the name of a monster and the green door some mystical place to attain. hehe. I took quite the long walk yesterday after work. When I got out of the office and saw the beautiful sunny and warm day I just couldn't pass up the chance of going for a spring walk. The rainy, gray and cold weather really gives me the winter blues and when I see the sun out and the weather being so warm and beautiful I just cannot help but take a spur of the moment walk. I walked from Smyth Rd to basically Albert Street. For those of you who aren't familiar it is quite the walk but I enjoyed. I also finally decided to try this little vegetarian restaurant I had been meaning to try called The Green Door, it is a lot like Le Commensale in Montreal but quite smaller, great food... no meat but great food indeed. Than I kept on a walking, at first when I saw that the sun was gone I figured I'd take the bus but decided not to. I stopped at Starbucks for a pomagranate juice blend, this is really good than walked all the way to albert st to go take the bus to go home. You can check the link to website for The Green Door restaurant, bad looking site but great food anyways.
The Green Door
Check it out!