Photography class, halloween and asterix and Obelix

Yesterday was my very first photography class. I love taking photographs but I found myself always using the AUTO function on my Nikon D40 Digital SLR camera practically because I am afraid of trying manual settings never having been trained properly to learn about aperture, shutter speed, white balance, etc. A fear of the result being poor quality pictures.

This first class was like a first date if you wish. You know when you first meet someone and you don't know so much about that person and have butterflies and jitters in your stomach from being so excited to get to know that special someone who makes your heart skip a beat.

Well, that is sort of how it felt last night. Okay I admit it may be a silly analogy but I can't help it. Nonetheless, it was all about getting to know our cameras a little better. As I, a lot of the people, knew the AUTO function quite well practically because it is so much easier rather than play around with the settings.

The teacher was amazing. No really even better than that but I can't find the right adjectives to describe. All in all a feeling of awesomeness took over me after that first class. I admit I was a little anxious as to whether it would be too basic and end up being boring. I mean, do not get me wrong, I need a basic photography class since I have never taken one before. I always regretted not doing so when I took the graphic communication program at Laval University , but it is all in the past, better look to the future. It is never too late to learn something new. After all life is a journey in which one never knows everything she needs to know. Never stop learning that is what keeps you young and interesting as a human being.

Okay, I skidded a little off track from what I was talking about to sound a little to philosophical. Let's get back to last night's photography class.

As I was saying, the teacher was quite amazing and I have a good feeling that I will learn a lot. Money well spent I am sure. Anyway, that is something I have been looking into for a while now, just never found one class that I thought would be great.

I ended up having a very interesting discussion with her as well after class, I asked her if I could show her some of my photos, posted on flickr and give some feedback if she could. I found out she is a designer as well but her first love is photography and that she took the very same university program at Laval University as well, of course she took it before me as she is older. So, we ended up talking about the classes and program and she told me she found that Claude Cossette was too much into the advertising, the program changed so much when he got there. She also did an exchange and went to alberta and studied design there and found the teacher were better, some were from switzerland and an other place that I cannot remember. A part of me wished I had taken more initiative like this when at Uni, and keep thinking that if I had been a little holder to take the program I might have put more focus and be more determined to achieve more.

We also talked about the design world, searching for work in ad agencies and how sometimes it is a very cruel and uncertain world. She ended up starting her own business because she couldn't deal with people showing her so much lack of respect. One guy once told her: "while you work here, I own your life". Not a direct quote but similar to that, meaning that if he asked her to work 24/7 and not have a life she had to accept it. She ended up telling him to his face to never ever talk to her like that just because she is working for him and then quitting.

The class and chat after definitely was a very positive experience.

I am totally psyched for that class and I am hoping that with learning how to take much better photograph I can finally do something with my etsy account and perhaps start selling my photos and make some extra money.

On another note, tomorrow is Halloween and my and shawn's halloween party. I still haven't had time to finish putting decorations since I filled up my schedule with soccer, drawing class, volleyball and now photography class. Yes, I know I take on so many things but I can't help it, so many things do interest me. Also got books to read, and exercise routine that I must say I failed at keeping it up once more. I need a day with more than 24 hours, yes that is what I NEED desperately.

Shawn is coming over and will help me with the decoration and I need to get some veggies and dip, hopefully people bring some snacks as it was written on the invitation. I want to get some berry punch to make a dragon's blood punch as well and put in a bowl in the plastic cauldron I have for decoration at the entrance. And I need to roast the pumpkin seeds too, I don't want to waste this. It is bad enough that the pumpkin I carved has now died. RIP pumpkin Hedwig, I carved an owl.

Shawn's pumpkin is still standing but I do not know for how long. I guess the lesson here is not to carve it the weekend before but rather a day or two before the party.

Another topic was something I saw on google yesterday, the logo was changed for the 50th aniversary of asterix and obelix. Anyone else remember watching them on radio-quebec during cine-cadeaux? I don't know but for me it is a highlight of my childhood, every christmas I was glued to the TV to watch the episodes or movies, not sure what they were.

Perhaps english people would not remember that, I think it might have been translated since it was originally made in french.

I search on youtube for some of the episode and managed to find them, this brings back a lot of memories.

On that note, I am tired and I think I will go to sleep soon.

Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.